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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Aye but isnt it a bit worry as to how he would fund the club in the transfer market if he is struggling to find th money for the buyout? I think that's an excellent point. Not that we can do anything about it.
  2. Presumably the work of the Wise/Jiminez/Vitere dream team
  3. I suspect it might have more to do with his attitude than his ability. What's happened with the club can't have helped I guess, not that that's an excuse for a professional. Can't see him staying for long but I'd hope he'd waive his loyalty payment and reduce his wage demands if he's desperate to leave. Fat chance of that these days, mind.
  4. Ashley seems to have a penchant for out of touch managers - Keegan, JFK, O'Leary etc. It might make more sense to appoint someone who knows the league we're in and how to get out of it, rather than a washed up smirking has been cheque book manager like DOL. I've always loathed O'Leary.
  5. What disturbed me were the reports that he had a go at Hughton as well. That sounds like the Joey Barton of the end of last season
  6. Barton lets himself and the club down again. Now there's a surprise.
  7. Taylor's comments illuminate just how unprofessional the management last season was before Shearer. Shows why we were so woeful at set pieces and could barely take a throw in without handing the ball back to the oppoistion. Training was a farce, team spirit non existent and the players were getting away with murder.
  8. I'm sad he's going, I also thought he would got to a more established club than Hull tbh but good luck to him. However atm it's the same old story of last minute exits with no reinvestment and Hughton presiding over a small and demoralised squad. No lessons have been learned from the January window and disaster looms again I'm afraid.
  9. I don't care why she's done it, I'm just happy to see a bit of balance in the national press for a change. Mind you, the red tops will never shift from their deluded/Messiah worshipping/cockney hating by-line.
  10. From nufc.com Hot on the trail of the Joe Kinnear/NUFC job offer claims, credible sources were suggesting on Wednesday evening that the club have now also made an approach to David O'Leary to become their latest interim manager. However it's understood that the former Leeds and Aston Villa boss - who has been out of football since July 2006 - was deterred by the current uncertainty regarding the possible imminent sale of the club.
  11. Who knows? I voted Shearer because I have a messiah complex apparently
  12. Deal off: Moat evaporates Sex scandal: How I straddled Moat Club on the mend: Now we're Moat-oring Club relegated, Moat sells up: Toon De-Moated Etc
  13. Mods can you do something about this langauge. Swearing is swearing but as i'm someone who believes in god, reading that is horrible. Thanks in advance. And I find your disrespect for the Lord Almighty offensive. Use capital letters in future for His Name, for Christ's sake.
  14. It's no wonder people's loyalty is stretched to breaking point. The match going public have been treated with complete contempt and not just by Ashley & co.
  15. It would make no sense given they flatly denied 3 weeks ago that Kinnear had been offered the job. Even this lot would realise that would obviously make them look like liars. Personally I think it's more likely Kinnear is talking himself up as usual, after all he's out of work and looking for his next pay day.
  16. If end of August is now the "deadline", the lack of leadership and direction in the club since the end of last season is disgraceful.
  17. Are you Gazza? "I then ordered two toy parrots that talk back to you. They record what you say and repeat it. I began to feel they were about the only people who would talk to me. I looked in the mirror one day and remember one of the parrots saying, "I can see two of you". I looked around and saw the two parrots having a conversation - or at least I thought they were. I started to think they were real and once ordered three pints - one for me and one each for the parrots. I'd get them to talk until the batteries ran out. Then I'd get room service to change the batteries. A few minutes later I looked for them, forgot the porter had taken them to change the batteries, and thought they had flown away. The porter brought them back with new batteries and I shoved one of them under the shower as a punishment for flying away." http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2266325.ece
  18. This. The mods should change his username to something amusing. God knows his posts aren't atm.
  19. I think Butt is pretty much a model pro who tries his hardest. That's why he was played week in week out when his legs had obviously gone. Which is not his fault, he should have been a squad filler imo but was played as a first team regular and had no time to rest.
  20. I wouldn't say Butt is in the autumn of his career. More like winter. With the snowbells starting to peep through.
  21. I think we're allowed to debate stuff that's in the public domain like. Of course So what's your point then? I don't see how it's any different to commenting on a newspaper story. I go on the site because it's about us and it's good for info. Their match reports are usually worth a read too. If I disagree with something they say, I'll say so. I don't actually know whether I agree with what they've written until I read it though tbh Alex my comment wasn't aimed at you or anyone on here in particular. nufc.com is a website run by a couple of opinionated fans who don't pretend to be impartial. Of course nobody's going to agree with some (or even much) of what they say. However I've read the views of some people on N-O who rant on and on about Niall and Biffa, and complain that they're not accountable etc. It's a self published website, they're fans not not journalists; if I found their views consistently objectionable I just wouldn't go on there anymore. That's all I meant. tbh I think they want to provoke debate, they just don't want to take part in it. Fair enough but if you don't like N-O, don't go on there. Generally I don't these days tbh. The pro-Ashley stance of some of the posters beggared belief.
  22. I think we're allowed to debate stuff that's in the public domain like. Of course So what's your point then? I don't see how it's any different to commenting on a newspaper story. I go on the site because it's about us and it's good for info. Their match reports are usually worth a read too. If I disagree with something they say, I'll say so. I don't actually know whether I agree with what they've written until I read it though tbh Alex my comment wasn't aimed at you or anyone on here in particular. nufc.com is a website run by a couple of opinionated fans who don't pretend to be impartial. Of course nobody's going to agree with some (or even much) of what they say. However I've read the views of some people on N-O who rant on and on about Niall and Biffa, and complain that they're not accountable etc. It's a self published website, they're fans not not journalists; if I found their views consistently objectionable I just wouldn't go on there anymore. That's all I meant. tbh I think they want to provoke debate, they just don't want to take part in it.
  23. I think we're allowed to debate stuff that's in the public domain like. Of course
  24. When I lived in the UK I was advised against keeping chickens because they attract rats. No idea whether that's true or not.
  25. If you don't like their site, don't go on it.
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