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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. You must of said something to upset her for that to happen. "Schweinhund! Hande Hoch! Raus raus!" (copyright Commando comic)
  2. I always thought Andy Townsend was the worst pundit I ever saw when I lived in the UK. Talks in cliches, adds nothing to any discussion, it's hard to believe he was ever a professional footballer as he has no insight whatsoever. Has an annoying whiny voice. That was until I moved to NZ and had the great misfortune to see Tommy Smyth on ESPN. Mouth works in overdrive but brain is totally disengaged. Defines the phrase 'the wheel is turning but the hamster's dead." Inspires homicidal rage and torture fantasies in the viewer. Makes Townsend look like a genius.
  3. The old guy in the middle looks like a right backy-slap
  4. Let's see if it's true. If he does go it'll be a decision motivated by money, or the lack of it at the club.
  5. Jeffers was the so-called "fox in the box". Sounds like he's shortly to be the berk with no work. iirc he screwed Everton over royally, the club who nurtured his talent and helped him recuperate from a lengthy injury. He joined Arsenal on mega wages but was usually injured and did nowt. Since then he's been a journey man player as far as I can tell. No one seems to like him.....
  7. Would make no sense from a footballing pov. Hope it's crap
  8. That was the original.... Retract, sir, retract! Or I will have satisfaction, sir, d'you hear me? Pistols at dawn, damn ye!
  9. Not everything, just that the Ronny Gill will be running an article that will reveal a bit more. Redheugh best be telling the truth as the fourth hand info i've heard that originally came from him is, how you say, pant wettingly promising. Putting on my wanking glove in preparation. Now there's an image I don't need
  10. Saw a clip of her on the telly tonight and she really sounded like a bloke. Maybe the IAAF ordered the gender test after a previous press conference?
  11. Kitman

    Big Brother

    The low water mark in British television in my opinion
  12. Whether or not it's a bloke, it's certainly highly suspicious she's suddenly beaten her previous PB by seven seconds and become a world beater overnight to boot. That's plainly what the IAAF believe too.
  13. Wouldn't the 24m be paid in instalments though.....so 24m in player sales doesn't reduce the overdraft by 24m straightaway?
  14. I assume he's too young to appreciate what KK did for the club. If he's actually a genuine supporter. I assumed he was a cockend Well there is that
  15. I assume he's too young to appreciate what KK did for the club. If he's actually a genuine supporter.
  16. He isn't going to put any more money in though, is he? I want him out asap in case he changes his mind and decides to hang around. I think that comment was made when Assley thought he could sell it. If he thinks he can keep the majority of the current squad together and add a few players here and there to get us back up then we are going to be a lot more attractive to buyers. I appreciate that could/would work but what makes you think that's in his plans? Is the point I was making. He hasn't looked remotely like adding to the squad any more. He won't even appoint a manager ffs. Yes. The man who wouldn't spend some money in January to secure our premiership future ffs. He doesn't seem to appreciate it's a squad game; I fully expect him to make the same mistakes over and over again till he fucks off and leaves us alone. I'm waiting fro him to appoint David O'Leary as director of football next.
  17. It's heartening that we'd be going from a businessman who plainly can't afford to run the club to a businessman who plainly.....oh shit.
  18. I can't see England winning in Australia based on that series. I agree with Alex that England were average. Hard to disagree with Ponting that Australia lost the big moments. Credit's due to Ponting for his post match interview by the way.
  19. fuck off you fuck off are you excited at players like this being the major signings then ? If so, fuck off. Major signings? Are you high? We're in the championship, we've not money to invest and we've no manager... who the fuck were you expecting to join? And don't fucking talk about the good old days under Shepherd, because everybody, and I do mean every mother fucker in the world, is bored shitless of your broken ass record. Now, go bitch and moan about not getting a response from N-O or whatever else is tying your pants in a knot somewhere else, you tedious old fart.
  20. There really are some appalling cunts over there. It's a shame the way it's gone, there used to be some decent posters on there. Mainly posters from on here, I hasten to add
  21. Accadacca = Derek Llambias. I reckon it's how the directors think.
  22. Sounds about right. Let's hope it's Butt and Geremi, eh
  23. I think that's 3m more than we're prepared to spend
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