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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. The joke is that clearly nobody's even made a formal offer yet. What a load of shite.
  2. Gee whizz! Hasn't the guy been discredited as ITK? I have to say I'd be pleasantly surprised now if Ashley sells; you'd expect him to hang on in the hope of getting promoted. Unless he's got add-ons built into the sale agreement. Not sure, they seem to "believe" on there. I agree tho that if the sale does go through there will be add ons. That doesn't mean it's credible. I think people are more cynical on here, possibly because the posters are more experienced, and that position has been borne out by what's happened.
  3. Gee whizz! Hasn't the guy been discredited as ITK? I have to say I'd be pleasantly surprised now if Ashley sells; you'd expect him to hang on in the hope of getting promoted. Unless he's got add-ons built into the sale agreement.
  4. *hovers his finger over the "Fucking Ban Him" button * Yeah, I get that every now and again - there is a story to my screen name, which I generally have to trot out every time someone makes the above comment. I think we're on about the 4th / 5th incarnation of this board now, after a couple of db crashes, domain problems etc. I originally posted as 'Magpie' as that's a screenname I always used. During one of the board crashes, some other poster registered as that name before I did and so I had to think of a new name. I have a cat called Maggie, who likes to sit on my desk next to my PC when I'm working from home. As I was sat trying to think of a new screen name Maggie was sat on the desk in her usual spot. She got up and walked across the keyboard (something she rarely does 'cos she gets chucked off ther desk for doing so) typing a load of shit into the name field. It gave me the idea for maggiespaws. Shite really and I've often considered changing it for one of my other screen names (cybermag); but maggiespaws is always a name/login that is available and to be honest, it's kind of stuck. Most people (including myself) tend to shorten it to just 'paws'. Oh and AccaDacca, you've just given another great example of why your optimism is blind and unrealistic. The idea that 'if' we get sufficient injuries we can just dip into loans to sort us out and still come up champions is fucking mental frankly. Pass over what you're smoking, I think you need a break. Nearly as stupid as looking round the room and seeing a Christmas Tree Aha. I assumed it was because you had a fairy on top of you at the time careful Fairy nuff
  5. Why was Colo called up early to warm the bench? Tsk.
  6. See, a smarter cover story for a fake injury would've been something virtually impossible to diagnose quantitatively like depression or vertigo. Saying he pulled a groin leads the observer to conclude that he must have been performing some kind of activity to actually injure said groin, and we all know that isn't the case. Well, not on the field of play anyway
  7. *hovers his finger over the "Fucking Ban Him" button * Yeah, I get that every now and again - there is a story to my screen name, which I generally have to trot out every time someone makes the above comment. I think we're on about the 4th / 5th incarnation of this board now, after a couple of db crashes, domain problems etc. I originally posted as 'Magpie' as that's a screenname I always used. During one of the board crashes, some other poster registered as that name before I did and so I had to think of a new name. I have a cat called Maggie, who likes to sit on my desk next to my PC when I'm working from home. As I was sat trying to think of a new screen name Maggie was sat on the desk in her usual spot. She got up and walked across the keyboard (something she rarely does 'cos she gets chucked off ther desk for doing so) typing a load of shit into the name field. It gave me the idea for maggiespaws. Shite really and I've often considered changing it for one of my other screen names (cybermag); but maggiespaws is always a name/login that is available and to be honest, it's kind of stuck. Most people (including myself) tend to shorten it to just 'paws'. Oh and AccaDacca, you've just given another great example of why your optimism is blind and unrealistic. The idea that 'if' we get sufficient injuries we can just dip into loans to sort us out and still come up champions is fucking mental frankly. Pass over what you're smoking, I think you need a break. Nearly as stupid as looking round the room and seeing a Christmas Tree Aha. I assumed it was because you had a fairy on top of you at the time
  8. I bet Craig will still be hanging around on the secret forum anyway....
  9. I just wrote 6 paragraphs and there was a fucking powercut, I'll try again. Craigs at work It's a good thing it wasn't posted to be fair, there was lots of praise for you, HMHM and a few others, and an in depth look on why he at 33 is so staid, I'm pleased it wasn't posted now to be honest, however I will say this now, I mentioned the "Trent Posse" in it, I will say that Craig did a great job in getting this forum together, it's got better recently, and my basic point was I was the cunt that offered to help fund it, and also Peasepud would be the critical miss to this forum. Every second post he says something funny, Craig puts a few posts up about the late 80s moans about what he perceives as boring threads and gets emotional when people try to have a bit light hearted fun, then accuses some forum members of being inane and boring when the humour in his posts are more derelict than the majority of the districts of the county he resides in, it begs of double standards. I'm yet to see Craig's funny side. I'm pleased my original draft of this never got posted now though to be fair. Craig said a while ago we'll ban you etc you choose what you do, no one will miss you, well other than the old members, and the people you share curries with on the rare occasion you get home to your native town, I don't see what would be missed about you if anything. Yes, it's a good job you replaced the original post with something much less offensive.....
  10. I expect Paddy Kenny takes ephedrine just to get out of bed in the morning. I'm surprised more footballers don't fail drug tests, for both performance enhancing and recreational drugs. Footballers are by and large young, thoughtless and will take what they're given. Maybe they don't get tested a lot?
  11. From Skysports. His hamstring probably thought he'd signed for us
  12. I thought the injury may be fake, so no surprise theere. But who cares? It's not as if he's been any use to the first team anyway, and no manager seemed to rate him. Have we ever signed a Spaniard who wasn't a gutless waste of time and money by the way?
  13. Kitman


    You cant believe someone as famous as him has no-one to keep a leash on him! There's not a lot you can do if someone's as mad as a box of frogs though
  14. Who knows what the truth is? I certainly think the fat clown would now be thinking seriously of hanging on, given the leap in value if we get promoted. As far as Barclays is concerned, I expect what they'd be prepared to lend will be based on a whole load of different things, not only the state fo the club's operating cashflows but also the security for the overdraft, interest rate and the amount of money the owner/new owner puts up themselves. It's probably all smoke and mirrors anyways
  15. That conference call in full: "Hello? Can I help you?" "Yes. This is Derek Llambias. I'm ringing on behalf of Newcastle United regarding an offer." "OK. What do you want?" "An American Hot. 12 Inch. Deep Crust. Bottle of Pepsi. " "OK. Be with you in less than half an hour." "OK. Deal!"
  16. It's been said on here countless times that Ashley is a liar and nothing in the press is reliable. I'm desperate to see the back of him but I won't be singing "Ding Dong the Witch Is Dead" until the ink's dry on the sale contract. Or until I see the fat bastard's feet sticking out from under Dorothy's house, which would be even better.
  17. LOL-zer. Interesting to see if they can buy their way out of this. Or set up their own super league.
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