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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Kitman


    Exactly. Poor team performance, as we should have had enough quality to beat Blackpool. The coming weeks will be interesting to see how Hughton handles being forced to leave players out. I started a thread last week (I think it was) in which I stated he hadn't been really forced to make any decisions due to the team virtually picking itself. Things are different now with more senior players becoming available for too few places. If Hughton can look past the seniority and start picking balanced sides it will be a help. He had Lovenkrands and Ranger available yesterday so he wasn't exactly forced to pick four central midfielders. Yeah, I think that's they key, seniority shouldn't really come into it. Yes experience is useful but it's not the be all and end all. I'd sooner have an inexperienced specialist winger than a makeshift one. imo our managers are guilty of picking players on reputation/seniority rather than form/potential, and also play people out of position to fit players in, to the detriment of the team. They all have their favourites and Nicky Butt seems to be one of them. He must suck a mean cock. I do hope Hughton doesn't bottle it.
  2. Kitman


    All those moments Will be lost Like tears in rain Time to die
  3. Kitman

    Keith Floyd

    Once sat behind him on a shuttle flight from Bangkok to Koh Samui. The inflight food was minging - basically spam on cocktail sticks - but he wolfed the lot. Mind you he was as pissed as a fart.
  4. Zurab? Sounds like a bad Scrabble hand
  5. I never thought we'd end up missing Smith and Ameobi. How the mighty have fallen. Still it's only our first loss and away from home too. Not time to slash our wrists in the bath just yet.
  6. Kitman


    Help the Aged. Support Nicky Butt.
  7. I'm not buying another ticket off the club as long as I live Stringfellows that is. It's not what it used to be
  8. bump! The loss tonight doesn't ruin your chances of promotion obviously, but it does look like you were being a teensey bit silly in saying this. Loosing to Blackpool shows that this league is something you have to play and battle for, not walk through judging on the strength of your squad. It is a good squad, and it could be promoted, but its going to be a long season and not the easy ride you were expecting. Tonight= Reality check. I think you'll find there's only one or two people on here subscribing to this line of thinking. Everyone else takes a realistic line i.e. we won't piss the league and the squad's too thin.
  9. The most disappointing thing about losing is that Parky will now issue a plethora of new threads
  10. Well he could hardly make a worse job of it than Ashley
  11. Wise has been the antithesis of his surname wherever he's gone. We're better off without him imo.
  12. I'm going Accadacca-ding-dong-tastic on this one! We'll piss this match! We'll piss this league! We'll piss the FA and League Cups! Howay the Lads!
  13. Kitman


    Stevie's an out of towner from Somerset
  14. Is it the only language these people understand?
  15. "The Sunday Sun understands"..... Translated means "Here's something that's probably bullshit but we're going to publish it anyway 'cos we need something to write about
  16. He might be quite pleased about not playing!
  17. We could discuss whether this means that Redheugh has been telling the truth all along about not only his employment, but also the americans. Its noted that Trinity Mirror who print the Chron, also print the Daily Mail in the North East, However Redheugh is just a bit player so best not to dwell. More importantly even the most cynical of cynics must agree that something is going on. Whether you choose to believe its one big hoax by Ashley or Fake bids by Sheard, something is definately going on and in particular, involving this law firm. Now I would assume that you dont start dropping the names of law firms into your story unless you are pretty sure of your facts. Whether this will all lead to something, who knows, however if I was Ashley and after recent events, I would push the sale through in order to concentrate fully on avoiding jail. Personally I got past the 'couldn't give a fuck stage' several weeks ago. This saga is just boring now, we've been promised so many times something was about to happen, that things were going on behind the scenes, that the paperwork just needed to be signed, only to find nothing happens. We're more likely to find out when Llambias has streaked across SJP with his pants on his head again than what is really going on with this "sale". I'll believe it when I see an official announcement, but not before.
  18. This thread is the ginger stepchild of this board
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