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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. It's Sir Bobby Robson to you That's what it says Would've been more impressive if you'd edited it in your quote as well. Hey ho. Any answer to the question, btw? Is there a question worth answering? You're speculating about why Keegan left by speculating what Sir Bobby may have thought if you could draw a parallel between his and Keegan's situations, which you really can't. From which you conclude that Sir Bobby loved the club and Keegan doesn't. Good luck with that one
  2. It's Sir Bobby Robson to you That's what it says Would've been more impressive if you'd edited it in your quote as well. Hey ho.
  3. Kitman

    HIV Cure?...

    Presumably a vaccine isn't a cure?
  4. We don't really know what happened though, do we? Regardless of what your manager does to you
  5. Whereas Ashley has dragged us through 2 years of utter shite for 2 years and sold off the decent players we had for financial gain. Still on his side? 'The club' is rotten to the core and I don't support 'the club' at the present time, I support the 11 players who turn out on the pitch and the management / coaching team. This 'club' is very different to the one that Keegan managed over a decade ago. Keegan however, hasn't. I support him all the way. This , plus i 100 per cent hope he takes Ashley to the cleaners , both financially and in terms of the press when Kev is free to speak his mind and tell us the truth , im behind him all the way . S'long as the club is OWNED by Ashley , the club can take a fuckin hike . I'm not happy about the way the club is being run so I want a man to take £8m out of it to teach the owners a lesson. Get a grip man. Presumably you're gutted that the club continues to pay employees and suppliers, because they're "taking money out of the club"? If Keegan's due the money, then he should have it. If he isn't, then the tribunal will rule against him. We've no idea how much, if anything, Keegan will get by the way. We've also no idea what the truth is. If we have to jump the gun I'd be more inclined to back Keegan than Ashley. I wonder why that is? What has the club that you support possibly got to gain by Keegan suing them? Nothing. So why would you back him? Outside of the rights and wrongs of what happened, Keegan winning is not good for the club. Ashley probably couldn't give a fuck. The club will foot the bill. Why is this man so important that you'd happily see the club fleeced to 'teach the owner a lesson'. Regardless of whats legally right and what the verdict is, I don't want a manager that we had for 8 months taking a pay-off for the remainder of his contract, just like I didn't want to see his predecessors with big pay-offs (however they were arguably more entitled to it because they actually were FORCED to leave) I've already answered your question, mate. If he's due the money, then he should be paid. As it happens, I've never claimed to be in the 'let's teach Ashley a lesson' camp, although I really hate the man for what he's done to our club. I see it much more simply, if Keegan's entitled to the money he should have it, exactly the same as Allardyce, Souness and all the other managers who've left early and are entitled to a pay off. Exactly the same as any employee who's been shafted and forced out of their job. Exactly the same as anybody else who has a contract with the club. As it happens I believe Keegan is entitled to it. I also believe Ashley is a liar and an arsehole and so is Llambias. Ask me who I trust more to tell the truth and I'd back Keegan every time. However I'm reserving judgement until the tribunal's delivered its verdict. If Keegan did do a flounce (as I think you've claimed before), the tribunal will find against him. If you don't like the way the club structures its contracts, that's your business. However your basic premise seems to be that if the club's on its uppers then it shouldn't pay Keegan. I'd suggest the lack of cash is more to do with how the club's been run than Keegan's claim.
  6. Whereas Ashley has dragged us through 2 years of utter shite for 2 years and sold off the decent players we had for financial gain. Still on his side? 'The club' is rotten to the core and I don't support 'the club' at the present time, I support the 11 players who turn out on the pitch and the management / coaching team. This 'club' is very different to the one that Keegan managed over a decade ago. Keegan however, hasn't. I support him all the way. This , plus i 100 per cent hope he takes Ashley to the cleaners , both financially and in terms of the press when Kev is free to speak his mind and tell us the truth , im behind him all the way . S'long as the club is OWNED by Ashley , the club can take a fuckin hike . I'm not happy about the way the club is being run so I want a man to take £8m out of it to teach the owners a lesson. Get a grip man. Presumably you're gutted that the club continues to pay employees and suppliers, because they're "taking money out of the club"? If Keegan's due the money, then he should have it. If he isn't, then the tribunal will rule against him. We've no idea how much, if anything, Keegan will get by the way. We've also no idea what the truth is. If we have to jump the gun I'd be more inclined to back Keegan than Ashley. I wonder why that is?
  7. I've never seen such a place for weather extremes as Australia. Droughts, floods, bush fires, dust storms, hail storms (hail as big as golf balls), desert - you name it, they've got it. Add to that the poisonous flora and fauna and homicidal biker gangs, you have to salute anyone who can survive into their sixties there
  8. Actually Parky does all of those things
  9. Compared to Allardyce, Souness et al? Not really, no. But they went because they were shit, and worth paying off for the good of the football. This way, it's us as a club picking up the bill for a dispute between the fat cunt, the dwarf and the dummy-spitter. £4m send-off for 8 months work is perfectly fine, why continue for as much as you can get if you 'love the club', considering the position it's in? "and the dummy-spitter" Were you around at the time KK pulled us up from the shit as a player or manager? I just can't understand any Mag coming out with that shit who was there then. Wether you think he walked a bit prematurely is one thing, but to call him a dummy spitter? Fucking talksport and the likes of cabbage-head Woolnough really must get into some peoples minds. I'd expect that from brain dead sheep supporting another club. well said
  10. Fuck that, in 20 years I'm gonna be immortal anyway. unfortunately for you I think the scientist had been at the ethanol when he said that
  11. I would like to know the truth about what happened. The money's a red herring imo.
  12. I gave up smoking cigarettes over 10 years ago. Since then I have been unbearably smug. Shame on you smokers. Shame on you all. Give up if you want to live.
  13. Imagine Mike Ashley in charge of the toon for the next 10,000 years. Or a 10,000 year old Peter Stringfellow appearing with his latest 18 year old girlfriend. Or 10,000 years of Donald Trump's iffy hairdo. 10,000 years of Jackie Collins. And Oprah Winfrey. And so on. I think I'd rather die
  14. CT - if you're the father of an egg, technically that makes you a cock
  15. Sounds like a load of shizzle. Can't help think this is a publicity stunt.
  16. He discovered to his horror that Nottingham isn't a suburb of Lahndan?
  17. Regarding the result, I can't remember any time we did anything noteworthy in the league cup. I don't like us losing obviously but I can't get worked up about the league cup really. As others have said, it's just not a priority this year.
  18. Kitman


    It does if you're from darn sarf. I'm from a long way darn sarf these days
  19. Kitman


    Whereas Fish and piss go together perfectly
  20. If Harewood gives a toss and is rarely injured I'd like to see him wear the number 10 too. Would make a pleasant change from the previous incumbent.
  21. Kitman


    Ye Gods what a thread
  22. Kitman


    You can't beat a good limerick in my opinion: There was a young man called Fish Whose Haiku sounded like piss He thought they were class But they gave me the arse So I think I'll give it a miss. For instance
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