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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. As I said, I was told by this mackem - a partner in a corporate recovery firm - that the club would have gone into receivership if we'd gone down to the old third division. No way of knowing if that's true but he had no reason to lie.
  2. I can only assume they're younger fans and don't understand what he's done for us as a player and manager. I knew a mackem in corporate recovery who nearly handled the receivership of the club in those days.
  3. Attain goes to Haberdashers school btw. Its a very posh school for jewish kids in north london. Hmmm Haberdashers? It sounds like a pre-school nursery I thought it was where Mrs Slocombe and Miss Brahms worked Probably not the sort of guy you'd want hanging round a school tbh Astrology lessons? "Are you free Mr Humphrey?" "No, I'm working on a model of the planets. My thumb's stuck in Uranus"
  4. For me the dirty tricks campaign against Keegan points to Ashley staying. Why bother otherwise?
  5. Attain goes to Haberdashers school btw. Its a very posh school for jewish kids in north london. Hmmm Haberdashers? It sounds like a pre-school nursery I thought it was where Mrs Slocombe and Miss Brahms worked
  6. Is there no end to this man's villainy? Will no-one rid us of this cancer?
  7. Why buy a club? Because he expected to make money. Why run it into the ground? Because he hasn't got a clue how to run a football club. I think it was ChezGiven who mooted the possibility that Ashley bought the club in the expectation of flicking it on to a rich Arab at a profit, but was left high and dry. Forced to hang onto the club, he filled it with his clueless drinking buddies and the rest is history. Sounds about right to me. Personally I doubt it's got anything to do with Geordie hating cockneys, it's all about money imo.
  8. Seems a bit presumptious to talk about going back up after a handful of games imo
  9. It's a bit sad to peddle this line. Personally I just want to know the truth about what happened, I'm reserving judgement till then. You've worn out the 'unconvincing smiley' btw If it was Big Sam in the same scenario as Keegan he'd be getting head hunted by a group lead by Stevie. You all know it's true.
  10. It's a bit sad to peddle this line. Personally I just want to know the truth about what happened, I'm reserving judgement till then. You've worn out the 'unconvincing smiley' btw
  11. You've no substance to suggest he isn't. You just like being contrary. Find me another manager who has walked because of transfer interference and then sued the club? But you've no real idea exactly what led to his resignation, have you? Did you work at the club at the time? Or are you on the tribunal? What do you think they did? Changed the lock on his office door? Poured paint thinner on his car whilst he was in a training session? I think it's well documented that it's all over transfers, Keegan said as such through the LMA. No, personally I think it's all about control. And I doubt it's about two transfers, as you assert, I think it's about a whole series of events which came to a head culminating in Keegan leaving. I don't pretend to know the truth but I don't buy your version which I think is simplistic and facile.
  12. A police spokesman added: "The homeowner was threatened with a knife and forced to hand over jewellery and the keys to his Range Rover car." Depends on the range rover, innit
  13. You've no substance to suggest he isn't. You just like being contrary. Find me another manager who has walked because of transfer interference and then sued the club? But you've no real idea exactly what led to his resignation, have you? Did you work at the club at the time? Or are you on the tribunal?
  14. You've no substance to suggest he isn't. You just like being contrary.
  15. I wonder whether they're specifically targetted or it's because they live in rich ghettoes which are themselves a target? Not that it justifies being robbed one iota, but I agree with OTF they'd be less of a target if they didn't flaunt their wealth. I bet Jagielka had a humvee sat on his front drive, or some equally flash car.
  16. Kitman

    HIV Cure?...

    And we would all know several people with AIDS as we probably all do with cancer. I knew someone with AIDS in the UK. He nearly died in hospital from pneumonia several years ago. Still going strong but we've fallen out of touch now. The treatment for AIDS seems to have improved people's life expectancy and quality of life quite dramatically in recent years. I'm guessing he didn't think the money spent on developing those drugs was wasted but the question wouldn't have occurred to me.
  17. Many congrats Maggiespaws. I assumed from your username that this was an exciting lesbian couple/IVF scenario but it seems you're equipped with your own insemination device. Best of luck with it all anyhow.
  18. Vindictive propaganda - another Ashley smear campaign
  19. Because you see it as Keegan ripping off the club, whereas most on here don't seem to share that opinion?
  20. Police are looking for a bunch of unemployed pikey drug addicts. They are hoping to narrow it down 2 million suspects on Merseyside
  21. Presumably Keegan's contract would be with the club not Ashley so it seems unlikely he could sue him personally for breaching it. Seems more likely to me that the sale might be delayed until settlement as the new owner doesn't want to pick up a contingent liability of up to 10m. That's if there is to be a new owner, or there's really any sale going on at all
  22. Hova's plainly the club treasurer. He's that worried that "his" money is going to be wasted on Keegan. Once the Keegan tribunal's settled he can go on to worry about what lese his money's been wasted on, starting with Llambias's salary.
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