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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Wasn't he the rapist from Eastenders? Landlord of the Dagmar?
  2. What?! You'll be saying Redheugh is full of shit next!
  3. Why the fuck's he waiting until 11? "I know EVERYTHING!! Now debate my validity among yourselves for a couple of hours while I masturbate into a sock!"
  4. I expect Ashley has no friends. Just leeches, sycophants and fellow bastards.
  5. "It were a great day out! Our support was clarrrrrrss!"
  6. "Yarrrrrr. Our support be class, yarrrrrr!"
  7. "Don't talk to Bomber about support. Old bomber thinks our support is class, see?"
  8. I doubt KK would be interested in returning without serious financial backing. Doesn't sound like Moat would have much to spend and isn't Shearer his first choice anyway? The best legacy KK can leave us with now is forcing Ashley to sell up imo. I don't think he'll ever be back again as manager; he might take a board position in a few years if it was on offer.
  9. Kitman

    Soccer AM

    I'm surprised it's still going. It was shit and well past its sell by date when I was in the UK 3 years ago. Every week was the same for years, with Lovejoy and Helen wotsername laughing themselves stupid at their own jokes and the same features. There are some things I miss about the UK, this isn't one of them
  10. We'll have days like these. They say things balance themselves up over a season, which means we'll win the odd game we should have lost, probably by the ball going in off Alan Smith's arse or something in the last minute of extra time
  11. I don't understand the negativity of some people. Good on NUSC for having a go and trying to do something positive. If it works out great. If it doesn't, what have we lost?
  12. Exactly right Craig. It's like doing a second-hand car deal: The seller thinks the car is worth one price (probably higher than its actual value); the buyer offers something much lower (usually less than the cars market value) and after a bit of dancing around they settle on something in the middle. To my mind the amount of the compensation is irrelevant. Keegan isn't some kind of corporate raider trying his luck to get away with something by making himself a nuisance. The tribunal found he was at best misled and at worst lied to, consistently undermined, forced out of his job by making intolerable demands and then smeared through the press with no right of reply. It's a matter of cause and effect, and we now know where the blame lies for this. It would be disgraceful to treat any manager like this, let alone a United legend but they did it. What a bunch of arseholes. That's what the tribunal is saying. Anybody who chooses to focus on what Keegan claimed, probably on the advice of his lawyers, is missing the point entirely imo. Pretty much agree with all thats said here. It wasnt just that they misled him, wasnt just that they pushed ahead with the signing he firmly stated he wanted nothing to do with, they then blatantly lied to him, the press, and the fans. When he left, they then embarked on a dirty crusade against him. all the while, he maintained a dignified silence as you should in the lead up to a tribunal etc. You're bang on saying those who focus on the £25M are missing the point. They are not only missing it but just dont understand the whole thing thats been going. Its not just a case of KK saying " I dont like this, Im off". The LMA full report open my eyes even further about the shambolic way they are trying to run the club. What worse is that we've only heard what was necessary for this tribunal. Scratching the surface imo. They are nothing but poison to this club. Aye well that's my feeling too, imo there was probably a load of different incidents leading up to deadline day and the Gonzalez signing was where Keegan chose to draw the line. We all know Wise is an arrogant little cock and I reckon he would have taken every chance to lord it over Keegan and his staff, no doubt with Llambias' and Ashley's backing. The tribunal gives an insight into how the club is really run - a bunch of cronies surrounding a fuckwitted arsehole of an owner, lacking any idea how to run a PL club and acting on impulse and whim. Keegan could see a crock of shit when it was held under his nose and he refused to be pushed about by a bunch of know-nowt pricks who were taking the club backwards. I think that's the bottom line personally.
  13. Exactly right Craig. It's like doing a second-hand car deal: The seller thinks the car is worth one price (probably higher than its actual value); the buyer offers something much lower (usually less than the cars market value) and after a bit of dancing around they settle on something in the middle. To my mind the amount of the compensation is irrelevant. Keegan isn't some kind of corporate raider trying his luck to get away with something by making himself a nuisance. The tribunal found he was at best misled and at worst lied to, consistently undermined, forced out of his job by making intolerable demands and then smeared through the press with no right of reply. It's a matter of cause and effect, and we now know where the blame lies for this. It would be disgraceful to treat any manager like this, let alone a United legend but they did it. What a bunch of arseholes. That's what the tribunal is saying. Anybody who chooses to focus on what Keegan claimed, probably on the advice of his lawyers, is missing the point entirely imo.
  14. The judgement completely vindicates Keegan. It finds that he was forced out of his job; that he didn't bottle it and resign based on a pretext; that he had more to gain by staying put than resigning on a matter of principle; and so on. It also shows up the owner and his cronies to be wide boys and dodgy as fuck on the one hand,and nasty vindictive arseholes who did not scruple to smear a United legend in a bid to win the case. How anyone can defend Ashley after this or blame Keegan is beyond me. One further point: the arrogance of the fuckwits in charge takes my breath away. The club states that they saw Keegan as crucial to the club's future and yet they were prepared to treat him like shit. People like these arseholes are used to buying people's co-operation and they rub people's noses in it because they think they own them. Well it backfired this time and the truth is there for everyone to see.
  15. You don't like the guy then? Andy Townsend= Clueless C*nt See what you mean about a Testicle Heed. Judging by comments on you're not alone in your dislike of him.(he does seem a bit of a tool ,like) Hoplite 1766 "Tommy Smith sucks, being in the states I have to put up with this Irish twat, he is fucking clueless one of the worst commentators in the biz, just terrible" Sounds about right
  16. You don't like the guy then? Andy Townsend= Clueless C*nt
  17. Anybody who's ever heard Tommy Smyth's appalling commentary would put him as the first name on the worst of all time list. He imparts no knowledge, speaks exclusively in annoying cliches, is a Man Utd obsessive, looks really ugly - like a testicle with teeth and glasses - and has the most irritating high pitched nasal voice I've ever heard. Even the Irish are ashamed of him. He ruins any build up or match and I'd honestly prefer to listen to a random pissed up gadgee from the pub commentating than him. He's like Andy Townsend, turned into a horrible high pitched leprechaun, and endowed with the mystical power of talking constant drivel without the need to breathe. He makes Donkey from Shrek seem like tolerable company and has very similar teeth. Thank God ESPN lost CL coverage, as he's clung on with them for years, stupid Americano pigdogs.
  18. The good doctor turns out to be the undertaker. Which portly owner of a football club does that remind me of?
  19. Exactly, surely it's too early to tell. I wouldn't write him off on the basis that Ameobi was never capable of improvement, so neither is he. Truly exceptional strikers like Shearer and Rooney did the business from an early age but no-one's claiming Ranger's in their league. I remember thinking Saha never looked anything special when he was on loan with us as a youngster and then I saw him take us to pieces a few years later at Craven Cottage.
  20. Considering we've already lost to Blackpool I reckon you've got a point there Know what you mean though
  21. We all have to start somewhere
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