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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Happy birthday. Still considerably younger than me, so that’s something to be cheerful about
  2. America really is fucked. Putin must be very pleased.
  3. I think the absence of scrutiny is an absolute disgrace. They do try in the usa on cnn and msnbc to critique trump but the likes of trevor noah and stephen colbert probably have more currency
  4. Johnson and Trump are similarly arrogant and narcissistic and obviously don’t consider themselves accountable to the press or the people. In Trump’s case he actively goes after the press corps, especially asian women/women of colour. Obviously deliberately to undermine the press but also because he’s big ol’ racist. I expect old etonian Johnson is contemptible of everyone, possibly with the exception of the Queen. Like a fat Lucius Malfoy with bad hair and added shambles.
  5. I think no-one foresaw the replacement of the press by social media as many people’s main or only source of news. Since there is virtually no moderation of content, it’s a place where bullshit flourishes, and serves to reinforce prejudices, bigotry and false narratives. This means politicians can spout blatant lies and nonsense without fear of contradiction or consequences....any attempt to challenge or fact check is met with the “fake news” mantra and they refuse to be held to account. I’m not saying much of the press is anything but self interested scumbaggery but in the past there was at least an attempt in the broadsheets especially at factual and impartial reporting. That has now seems to have been overtaken by the constant diet of lies, smears and conspiracy theories that the gullible and stupid swallow as fact on social media. its no accident that enemies of democracy like Russia and China put so much effort into social media engineering. Its accelerated the descent of politics in the US and probably UK too into the sewer and allow the likes of Trump and Johnson to lie and lie again without fear of the consequences. Trump is different class though and I’ve no doubt he would rather burn America down than relinquish power and face justice for his crimes. Somewhere in the future I think the social media companies will have to take responsibility for the accuracy and impact of their content through regulation. Also not be allowed to rip off mainstream press content without paying for it. It’ll probably never happen in Murica though. Not sure what can be done about it ttt. Perhaps people below a certain IQ level should be prevented from accessing the internet altogether.
  6. No doubt you’ll have seen Jordan Klepper’s interviews with Trump rally goers. These are literally the most stupid people on this planet, the people who swallow Trump’s bullshit by the bucketload and crawl over broken glass to vote for him. They are immune to facts and reality, their “opinion” is all that matters to them, and it’s usually pig shit ignorant and bigoted nonsense. If Trump wins we’ll be in the end times for America like you say, and possibly western civilisation as we know it. A man more obviously corrupt, narcissistic, nepotistic, mendacious and in the pocket of Russia is hard to imagine....and he will do literally anything to stay out of jail, where he belongs. His base are oblivious to it, probably because they can’t distinguish real life from reality TV, but the RNC have no such excuse and deserve political oblivion, which I hope they get.
  7. He just never gets the credit he deserves #betterthanrafa
  8. Put some money on relegation. It’s the only thing that’ll make the regular shoeings bearable
  9. Is Bremner still stealing a living? I dont know who finds his tedious impressions amusing, it’s like being stuck with a mentally ill uncle who thinks he’s hilarious.
  10. To be fair to Carroll, ...... nope I’ve got nothing. iirc the gossip about him was that he’s a pisshead who doesn’t look after his diet or his fitness. Add that to his appalling injury record and you have to wonder why on earth he was offered an extension. Maybe hes a leader in the treatment room....
  11. NZ is quite progressive on these issues. They’ve recently voted to allow end of life euthanasia (needs to be legislated). We’re having a referendum on legalising cannabis at the next election in October. Brothels have been legal for many years (alas my best years for sex working are behind me)
  12. Ah thats shit about your dad. Hope hes getting the best care. Best wishes.
  13. Hope things get better for you and your family. All the best.
  14. If by interesting you mean relegation, I reckon you’re spot on
  15. It’s hugely underwhelming but it’s where we are as a club. Woop de fucking doo
  16. Can’t be that wealthy, the bloke on the left can’t even afford socks
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