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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Unfortunately based on past experience, Ashley is unlikely to sack Bruce no matter how bad it gets
  2. All the best for 2021 everybody (NZ first cab off the rank). Hope you have a fantastic year full of good health and happiness!
  3. He’s a gin soaked fat old fraud. Incompetent manager, dreadful football, and at best you’ll get no more than survival. But we said that from day 1.
  4. Careful what you wish for is what thickos say when they’re trying to sound intelligent and relevant. Its a bit like saying “its all about opinions innit” when youve said something stupid
  5. Happy Christmas everybody, hope you’re having a good one!
  6. We can’t complain because we have unreasonable expectations. Like being able to pass the ball, play like a team and give a fuck.
  7. Can’t say I’m surprised or even disappointed. We’re shit and we know we are. At least in NZ I’m spared Bruce’s horrible post match interview - red faced, glassy eyed, high pitched whiney cunt voice and a bunch of shit excuses.
  8. Very sorry to read about this terrible tragedy. Heartfelt condolences to you and your family.
  9. I don’t know why but I thought he would be mint for us. Back in the day when I used to get excited about transfers...and back in the day when there were transfers
  10. I never heard about him during his time with us either tbf
  11. Stephane Guivarche sticks in my memory because he came to us as a world cup winning striker. I think we might have finished his career because I never heard about him after he left
  12. I’ve never taken much notice of WBA till now. Would love it just love it if they got relegated.
  13. All three of them look like tramps on the piss
  14. All of them will be expecting to boost their goal difference against us.
  15. The can was much smaller than I expected
  16. The comments attached to this “Rent boy receives his reward” is my favourite.
  17. The desperate search for relevance in the lower leagues. Everyone’s cup final, everyone’s a MLF, every other club loves us. Except the filthy mags, FTM
  18. Bruce’s biggest sin is that he’s a shit manager. Don’t know why you’re on about Benitez tbh
  19. A kick in the balls is good value compared to Joelinton
  20. They must be pleased that they are now an established League One side and don’t have to worry about relegation or punching above their weight
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