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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. “Tastes like urin” 😂😂😂
  2. I can’t read Krafth without mentally lisping the name. As in arth and krafth. Ahem. Now back to the football, Jeff.
  3. This what happens when you run a football club likes its a cut price sports shop in maidenhead. Everything in his world is a short term deal which is either to make money or penny pinch - sometimes with disastrous results. When he bought us, many foresighted people predicted he would run NUFC in the same way as other businesses he’d acquired, like Lonsdale and Slazenger - asset strip like crazy, destroy everything that was good about the product, and sell cheap tat masquerading as quality. They were right, and over the years more and more people have realised this and chosen not to give money to a horrible wanker who’s taken supporters for mugs.... and reduced NUFC to a zombie club with the existential purpose of coming 17th in the PL. We’re lucky he can’t sell the ground because I’m sure he'd have done that by now if he could. I expect the club loses a lot of money on bad decisions that never see the light of day. The surprise shouldn’t be that the club is run badly by underpaid buffoons.....it should be that we haven’t sunk like a stone and kept on sinking with this owner.
  4. Taint that a shame, as Fats Domino once sang
  5. It always strikes me how dog shit managers like Bruce always act as if injuries are some kind of act of God. Firstly they are fairly predictable and all clubs get injuries; secondly a decent club plans for injuries and invests in the squad and medical facilities to cushion the impact. Thirdly neanderthal managers like Bruce overplay the few decent players they have or rush them back from injury with predictable results. There will always be an element of luck with injuries but well run clubs arent crippled by them. The difference between Benitez and Bruce’s injury record is probably massive (cba to check). Bruce’s only real bad luck with injuries this season, apart from COVID casualties that everyone has had to contend with, is that Shelvey and Joelinton have usually been fit to play.
  6. Especially when Bruce’s record shows that the longer he is at a club, the worse it gets in every way.
  7. I dont even watch NUFC anymore
  8. Good point. Every decision Ashley has ever made for NUFC has been short term and short sighted. This was probably a stop gap measure that ticked a box at the time, and has now become a massive fuck up. Kind of sums up his ownership really
  9. That just proves that joelinton has more potential and therefore upside #fatmikelogic
  10. $6.5 million. Lol I cant believe it, even for them this is staggering incompetence! It’s like paying a massive premium for a car that you know has been written off in a motorway pile up. Fucking hell what a joke
  11. Shame! Hopefully when Betty goes you’ll have another go and get it right this time...
  12. He looks like someone who’s popped in to see his Dad at the old folks home
  13. $6.5 million to acquire Bruce? It was idiotic to offer him the job, to pay a massive amount of money to make it happen was sheer lunacy. If it was another club I’d be laughing till I soiled my pants.
  14. Sweeeeeet! I knew there was a reason I moved here!
  15. Haha true! I think they get more public holidays in the UK over all though - the lazy stoats
  16. I completely agree. Personally I would vote for a republic without hesitation both here and there - abolish the aristocracy while you’re at it. From what I can tell, older kiwis are more royalist than younger kiwis who are largely either apathetic or anti. The lack of movement to a republic is more a dearth of imagination rather than fondness for the monarchy - people dont see a compelling alternative atm (it was the same issue with replacing our awful flag). I don’t think there’s any momentum for a republic here although there have been mutterings, but that will likely change when Betty goes and the big eared dolt takes over. What a clown he is. However the catalyst will be when Australia votes to become a republic, where there is more passion for a change.....I can’t help but feel that will prompt a debate and maybe a referendum.
  17. The consensus in the office here in Auckland is that nobody gives a toss about Harry and Megan. Most people said they weren’t going to bother watching the interview. The most interesting comment was from a twenty something kiwi who opined that the marriage isn't going to last. When I asked her why, she said “he looks miserably pussy whipped and she looks like a spoiled bitch”. So there you have it. At this rate it wont be long before NZ is a republic, which is nice.
  18. The thing is it should be a no brainer to sack Bruce because a decent manager should be able to guarantee safety (assuming a decent manager is available and willing to take the job). However since Ashley doesn’t take any interest and Charnley is incapable of making a decision, we’ll drift on like a ship with a blind drunk captain and quite possibly get relegated. And if that happens we’ll completely deserve it because the team, manager, CEO, owner, coaches and medical staff are shit.
  19. 2 wins from 17 matches. How anybody thinks that Bruce deserves a chance is beyond me. That’s before you get to the fact that he’s plainly a complete and utter cunt, hideous to listen to and worse to look at.
  20. So much to look forward to on Fat Mike’s magic bus
  21. Alabamery ”y’all sure got a purty mouth”
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