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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. thats about right. Maybe the real thing is slightly more disturbing.
  2. One end has a human tongue. Both ends make the same sort of noises however
  3. one end seems keener on treats than the other....when the missus said this was her dream dog I did point out that dogs are supposed to look like their owner. This observation was not well received...
  4. It could be worse. Try having a pug....an expensive clown dog that sheds everywhere and snores like an old man
  5. Bruce relegating us and getting a big pay-off to go is his revenge for rejecting him as a youngster. #conspiracytheory #surelyheisntasshitasthis
  6. I dunno, I think he’s one of those arrogant people that’s genuinely convinced of their own greatness, despite all evidence to the contrary. I can’t see him taking enough responsibility to have a breakdown, nothing is ever his fault. His signature phrase is “I’m not making excuses but...”
  7. Nobody cares about your question. Feel free to go elsewhere rather than whining about it.
  8. I’m not convinced that even the beard is real
  9. Coco’s pops picking up coco’s poops
  10. Not so much ham fisted as the whole pig....
  11. First it’s cabbages and now it’s swedes. Will someone rid me of these meddlesome root vegetables?
  12. I think backing Bruce and continually playing Joelinton show that the club’s exec team would rather double down on terrible decisions instead of taking responsibility and doing something about it. Charnley seems like a rabbit in the headlights, I doubt he can choose which socks to put on in the morning. Incidentally I have no doubt that Bruce has been told to play Joelinton if he’s fit, probably in the hope he will come good and justify his ridiculous price tag. Which provides Bruce with an excuse for failure.
  13. 22% possession after 16 minutes according to BBC
  14. He’s only bothered about keeping us in 17th place. Which let’s face it is his brief from Ashley and what we should be pleased with according to his mates in the media.
  15. * gets coat and shuffles to the door *
  16. Personally I don’t watch the match anymore, there’s literally no point to the club and zero enjoyment to be had with Ashley as the owner.
  17. Apparently her nurburgring was pretty appealing I’ll get me coat
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