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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. He’s a third division WUM. Except he’s not even making the play-offs.
  2. $12m? Sounds like they’ve inflated the figure for PR purposes
  3. But their chairman Nee Mun Nee is not going to sell
  4. They tried to divert attention away from themselves by claiming the Americans were responsible for developing COVID. I mean, really
  5. “Hello I am Leo Johansson your new Swedish manager! We will win promotion of this I am sure!”
  6. The outcome to Hillsborough is disgusting. Unfortunately the government and police have always been in lockstep over blaming the supporters and covering up the truth, and too much time has gone by to hold people accountable. Thatcher and the conservative party pretty much ensured any chance for justice was lost. Not entirely surprising though given the misscarriages of justice endemic in the 70s and 80s esp with reference to the Irish.
  7. Chiles always was an appalling broadcaster. Genuinely baffled how he's made a career out of it tbh
  8. Tsk. Best version was the Family Guy version
  9. This whole “expectation of success” thing is a bad joke. We haven’t won a domestic trophy since the 50’s or even qualified for Europe for what 10 years? And then we’ve got our arsehole owner whose net spend over his time of ownership is zero with fuck all investment in the club off the pitch too (plus a bit of asset stripping thrown in). You’d be mad to expect us to win anything (and I get the sense that most people dont even have much hope for it anymore). For lazy pundits like Savage and Ferdinand it’s a way of slapping down those “uppity Geordies” and because they sit in a studio with their mates, they never get called on it. So they repeat the same old shit year after year. For dogshit managers like Allardyce and Bruce its pure gaslighting...”oh poor me Im so badly treated by the nasty fans”.....because the real reason for fan discontent couldnt possibly be that their football is neolithic, absolutely hideous to watch, and set up to defend for most of the game and sneak a goal here and there from a set piece.....often ending in a shoeing by the better sides.
  10. I suppose it’s an achievement for Bruce not to get us relegated. In that sense he’s exceeded my expectations this season. Thanks Steve for your service.
  11. There’s some crackers in there, my favourite being “voiding their bowels”. Sheer poo-etry!
  12. So another tragic season ends in League 1. Let’s see what magic their 12 year old chairman can weave. Not a lot to address other than a shit manager, shit squad, shit fans and shit all money. Should be a doddle
  13. And let’s not forget it’s the hometown club he’s supported since he was a boy. So we’re told...
  14. Arguably ASM and Wilson were the difference between safety and a relegation battle this season. Its possible we’ll sell both and replace them with inferior players. #rolluprollup #goodbusiness #fuckthelotofyou #notfromagoodfamily
  15. Just objectively, why would you want to watch two hours of some semi articulate humourless knob in a woolly hat watching a joke club play a crappy match? I cant fathom who would be entertained by this, pisstakes aside.
  16. tbh if I was him Id be off like a shot to a big club. Who could blame him? He’s got his career to think about and I can’t imagine that Ashley, Bruce and the archaic training facilities (and I imagine Bruce’s archaic training methods) are any good for his career. Our owner only wants to outperform the bottom 3 clubs and has no desire to compete in any other context. Thats no fun and I’m sure he would get better money elsewhere.
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