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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. It was a once in a lifetime fluke to get someone of Benitez calibre under this regime. If we get in a replacement it’ll most likely be someone shit, old, washed up and compliant. The only silver lining is I don’t think I could hate anyone more than Bruce (with the possible exception of Allardyce).
  2. I vaguely remember someone at school having a bbc computer, with a space game called elite but could have that wrong. Seems odd for the bbc to have had its brand on a computer
  3. Manic miner was the one I remember on the Spectrum.
  4. I view most of his posts as clickbait, like the written equivalent of talksport. I might be giving him too much credit, as the alternative view is that he’s a thick cunt who posts bullshit.
  5. In all honesty I think Charnley will back Bruce right up until Ashley tells him to sack him. Then he will text Bruce the decision and turn his phone off.
  6. This transfer window has been a joke even by our standards
  7. He looks like an extra from Peaky Blinders
  8. Who cares? The BBC didn’t even mention the match in their sport section as far as I can see….
  9. Very sad. Genuinely talented and witty, one of the few comedians we’ll actually miss. The grim reaper shoud’ve taken Corden instead.
  10. Charnley: “You’re welcome”
  11. I wonder if detectorists (or whatever they’re called) ever find WWII ordinance, with unfortunate results? * googles* Indeed they do. And one lost a finger (snigger)
  12. This thread is shit. Pages and pages about stars and nothing about horoscopes….
  13. There cant be a more amateurish PL outfit than us for transfers. We seem to be doing all we can to piss off Willock before he’s even joined us. If he joins us.
  14. Same here. There’s a look of the Crankies about her, which is not a good thing
  15. I was thinking bloody hell, Hale & Pace are looking rough these days. Are those really women?
  16. I feel like Chickhen Shit or Hendick is more SMB’s style
  17. My impression is that people who’ve been in serious combat don’t tend to discuss it with civilians, even their own family. I’m not talking about the craic of army life, more the reality of front line action. That’s what you hear about veterans, unlike TA knobheads who are more like army groupies - I’m sure there are plenty like Gareth from the Office in real life.
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