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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. There is a touch of the LM about him
  2. He’s obviously never chopped firewood in his life. Everything about that picture is wrong, he’s more likely to chop his foot or knack his wrists than chop that log, the idiot.
  3. Or I could just ignore you. Yep, I think I’ll do that.
  4. It’s still just your opinion, not fact. And arguing over whether the players are shite or just average is pretty pointless, given the club’s aim is to bring in better players.
  5. Your point is that the squad is pretty good, it’s the coaching that’s been the problem over the last 7 years. That’s entirely a matter of opinion that has nothing to do with statistics.
  6. D’accord, comment sont les lardons, espece de con
  7. So desperate to be relevant And as if the fat hairy humbug gives a toss about Kashoggi’s widow…he doesn’t even give a toss about his own wife.
  8. Or French. We were managed by Stephane Tete de Choux. Comment est le bacon?
  9. Steffano Broccoli. Managed by a vegetable, just like we were
  10. San Marino played 10 lost 10, GD -45. Why are they in the qualifiers, they’re a guaranteed 3 points regardless of the opposition?
  11. Yes, it’s clear how unworthy he was to lead such a great club Funnily enough, with the exception of Benitez, every one of our managers since Hughton has gone on to obscurity. That’s because they are absolute dogshit.
  12. Winning would make a pleasant change…
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