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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. I can’t fathom why anyone would worry about spending too much money after 15 years or whatever of Ashley. It’s not our money being spent and Im fairly sure they’ll be aware of FFP. Spunk it! Spunk it all I say!
  2. I remember when I moved to Auckland my company had a ‘business continuity’ briefing about what to do in an emergency. The presenter said with a straight face that we didn’t need to worry about earthquakes in Auckland because “its the volcanoes that will get you”. He then proceeded to show a graphic of the harbour turning into a whirlpool of molten lava
  3. Lol it’d have to be vesuvius going off on the doorstep to wake me up! More seriously whilst the aftermath is dire in Tonga, nothing much happened here (as per)
  4. * snigger * The release clause is small change for us and our mountain of dirty oil money. Great signing imo (if it goes thru) I think he’ll do well for us and Burnley will certainly miss him
  5. To the point where people who’d gone to matches through thin and thinner turned their backs on the club and refused to walk into SJP and put a penny in his pocket. Quite an achievement to alienate people who’ve supported the club since they learnt to talk, to the extent that they’d rather go shopping with the missus on a Saturday than watch an Ashley clown show going through the motions.
  6. This is my view of it. We were no different to the sports brands he bought and fucked the life out of, until people realised they’d become a shadow of what they once were. He hollowed the club out from the inside, selling anything of value he could and running what was left on a shoestring, with his tacky signage plastered all over the place. The only reason he made money out of his shares in the club is because of price inflation due to PL broadcasting deals. Much like someone who buys a house on a great street that enjoys stellar capital growth, even thiugh he allows the house to fall down over the years. He’s not a great owner, he’s a cunt and a lucky cunt at that. I dont know much about Derby, other than when Clough was manager there, but I dont bear them any ill will. I wouldn’t wish Ashley on them because he’s like a horrible incurable disease that sucks the life and enjoyment out of everything he touches. The only reason to be pleased would be if the club was about to go bust.
  7. Happy new year everybody! Hope you have a splendid 2022!
  8. He probably got told to go home and sit on his dick
  9. Happy Christmas everybody, hope you have a wonderful Winterval holiday and a fantastic 2022!
  10. Exactly. Get the fucker signed, plenty more where that came from!
  11. Also there’s no way a bagel could survive in the ground for thousands of years….
  12. Considering pissing the bed now. We’re going to need to nick some points off the big boys if we’re going to stay up.
  13. There is a touch of the LM about him
  14. He’s obviously never chopped firewood in his life. Everything about that picture is wrong, he’s more likely to chop his foot or knack his wrists than chop that log, the idiot.
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