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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Because getting 4 wins out of 5 is likely given their recent form
  2. tits, obertan is fit again. Fit for what though?
  3. Sounds like a Sisters Sledge tribute act. Possibly involving Christmas Tree....
  4. Ridiculous. Should be a day out for the fans, not old farts in suits
  5. Going back to the OP, I'd forgotten Harps was still with us. There's no way we'll shift Xisco by the way. He'll cling on till the bitter end like Alan Smith, pocketing every single penny on his fat contract. I've hated being stuck with wankers like Smith and Xisco who we can't move on, and who are holding us back.
  6. Why is there a bust of Caesar on the roof? They wanted to add a bit of dignity to the tableau, obviously
  7. They're trying to get it banned in nz, for obvious reasons
  8. I have to say this place is becoming a bit tedious. At a time when the craic should be massive. Hey ho.
  9. there are plenty of sensible comments by me in this thread. The only person who engages them is JawD. Maybe so but I think they get lost in the main polemic. Which is a shame.
  10. People were also predicting Sports Direct would be plastered across our shirts without getting paid for it too when Northern Rock cancelled the deal, however as we've seen money talks and now Virgin have the deal instead. If a good offer comes in they will take it, I'm pretty sure of that. Looks like Virgin have taken over as shirt sponsors from Northern Rock, just as they have bought out the NR name from the government and rebranded it as Virgin Money. Northern Rock weren't stadium sponsors so how much has actually changed apart from a much redeuced fee payable by Virgin for the priveligde? We'll see what the summer brings, but we'll be called the Sports Direct Arena next season iyam, and thats just the way Mike likes it. I know I sound churlish after the season we've had and I dont actually lie awake at night thinking about shit like this but it is important. No other major club which hasnt moved lock, stock and barrel to another stadium has done this. Its funny, I was a t my mate's 40th on Saturday night and his old man was there who was stadium manager at St Mary's whilst Pardew was manager at Southampton. He says he quite liked the bloke, but he was fuckin hard to work for. The word he used was perfectionist, which I really like the sound of. I know everything cant be perfect in life in general, it doesnt work like that. But these fuckers lie as easily as breathing and thats just not good enough. Reading some posts earlier made me wonder about this stadium naming thingy. I do wonder whether they're just setting a precedent for new owners to name it some way down the track. as a sweetener for a deal if you like. It's never made much sense to me otherwise tbh
  11. I want to keep all our best players but i think of the big saleable assets, Tiote would be the one we could replace best with a bit of luck. Krul is heading into the bracket of the very best keepers out there and that is worth so many points and i don't think we could attract another keeper of that calibre ahead of proven CL clubs etc. so losing Krul is pretty much top of the list to avoid for me. Also i don't think replacing BA will be easy at all as some people think, if we remember quite how amazing he's been this season and carried most of our goal threat on his own for some time. With the clause we wouldn't get big money for him and we'd be very lucky to get somebody close to him without a seriously big spend. I agree with all of this
  12. Leazes man, you don't engage in sensible debate. Not really.
  13. people will always go to that conclusion but there are plenty of reasons why stuff like this happens beyond drugs (either performance enhancing or otherwise) You're right of course. I vaguely recall reading a top Italian team (Juve?) was implicated with steroid abuse,,,,perhaps I'm being unduly cynical (and ignorant) about the reasons for this.
  14. Carroll's not at our club anymore, I couldn't care less what he thinks about anything. We've all moved on I think.
  15. Something fishy imo about very fit young guys suffering from heart attacks. RIP, it's tragic.
  16. Well done to Pardew and the lads to get into Europe, fucking magic. I never expected to get to this stage of the season and still be excited about the remaining games too.
  17. Another good chance for Carroll. Needless to say, wasted.
  18. Henderson off. Don't recall him doing anything.
  19. Yeah. the defending's been pub team standard at times. Could go either way this I reckon
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