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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. I expect the 25% figure quoted by Pardew was what he was told at some point
  2. We've got a chance. tbh I'm delighted with 6th, if we came 4th my trousers would explode
  3. I think I predicted 13th or some such, certainly bottom half. I'll have mine with custard please.
  4. If I'm honest I don't like tracksuit managers. O'Neill makes me cringe tbh with his tracksuit pants tucked into his socks. At least he doesn't wear a fucking baseball cap like a 14 year old though. Whereas we have the uber dapper rapeydoo......dressed to pull
  5. iirc Coke actually used to contain cocaine and was marketed as a tonic in its early days....it was replaced it with caffeine. It'd live up to its marketing hype if it had coke in it
  6. I'd have more respect for him if he didn't look like such a chav on matchday...that baseball cap, fucking hell
  7. I don't see what's controversial about wanting to bring in someone better than Simpson? Ideally we'd retain Simpson as the reserve RB but if we can improve on that position, I don't see why not.......Simpson is a mediocre RB imo
  8. I think the moral of the story is: if the label says don't apply to the genital area, there's probably a good reason. I expect the packaging for a cut throat razor would probably give you the same message. Perhaps if you're determined to agent orange your bush, you should enlist the help of a professional?
  9. Sounds to me like you enjoy the suffering, KSA I see nothing wrong with a little trimmage to keep the garden tidy. Anything else is a little odd imo
  10. Lawron and Merse predicting a toon win is like evil planets aligning during a full moon. We're all doomed, DOOMED
  11. Kitman

    Bert Weedon

    Bet he had a tough time at school with that surname RIP
  12. Ominous. Usually the correct result is the opposite of those muppets' predictions
  13. Your Kelly? Family member?
  14. Terrible name for a band. RIP.
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