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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. I admire your patriotism but as another emigre Englishman, I couldn't give a toss. It's nothing to do with England as such - the more you live abroad, the more rose tinted your specs become - it's more to do with the arse wipes who play for the team and the never ending cycle of delusional press hype followed by gross ineptitude and disappointment. It's how I felt since 1998 or thereabouts so it's nothing new.
  2. It's a reference to Norman Tebbit not Monty Python. Although that was a bloody funny sketch
  3. I hope the toon win something before they switch the simulator off
  4. Evil old bastard would be closer to the truth
  5. you'll soon be a connoisseur and look like this
  6. HOWAY THE LADS! Would be priceless to knock droopy or wanger out of the CL places. Will be tough but I hope we give it a good go
  7. You're the one on the left by the way
  8. If you brew your own beer CT, I guarantee you'll end up looking like this
  9. Yes, I'm sure Germans would be keen on buying sausages from an Englishman
  10. Is there no-one decent in the stiffs who could step up as a striker when the African lads are away?
  11. The thing I've noticed is Shola seems to have really bulked up and got stronger these days. He used to get knocked over or give away crap fouls through his lack of presence but my impression is he doesn't do that much anymore. Actually seems a decent outlet these days when the clock's running down.
  12. Must've been a comedy moment when the Oregon fella tried to detonate the useless van bomb. No doubt he screamed Allah Akbar etc shortly before, only for there to be an awkward silence afterwards punctuated by repeated clicks as he angrily pushed the detonator
  13. Ultimately blackburn went down because they werent good enough over the whole season. Id look at the players, manager and owners before blaming the fans. id probably blame the owners too if I was a rovers fan.
  14. I expect it's making money that gives him a hard on
  15. I think they should definitely give these a go at the Emirates. Would require hand outs
  16. Absolutely. Was virtually wearing Martin's shirt
  17. C'mon Norwich. Shocking defending from the Arse, it's promising for the second half
  18. God the lengths these foreigners go to to disrupt play. I trust the ref sent him off for time wasting
  19. I'm praying we don't get any big money offers for our best players in the summer.
  20. Andy says what he sees. He's not bothered about the facts.
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