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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. I honestly think that Bruce spouts this horseshit to these people over drinks, and they’re too pissed/thick/lazy to question it.
  2. Chris Wilder summing up all the air cover Bruce gets from his buddies. He’s a completely useless manager but it’s ok because he’s a “proper football man” and a mate of his. I cant be arsed to look at Bruces record but I don’t think he’s done a decent job for years, since Birmingham City or somewhere like that. Presumably the stats being reeled off about WBA under his tenure include “Wins Nil”. Doesn’t seem like much of a winner to me, more like a big pisshead loser.
  3. Blaming the players, needing to “roll up our sleeves”, and “make a fist of it”, heads dropping, team losing. Didn’t take long for Bruce to weave his magic did it? All it needs now is for the players to get pissed up regularly, lose their fitness, get properly disorganised, and go on an extended losing streak, he can look forward to another tidy payoff.
  4. I think that’s why he’s still working. He can go to the bookies, pub and anywhere else he likes under the cover of working. If he was at home his wife would want to know what he was up to. That and he’s obviously massively vain and loves the attention.
  5. Is it possible to move the Leazes terrace buildings (for instance moving or reorientating) in the stadium area, to create sufficient space to rebuild the Leazes, or is that pie in the sky?
  6. as if they wouldn’t swap places with us in a heartbeat! It’s amazing what people will say in an effort to make themselves feel better….no doubt they’ll trot out lines about being a real football club with real players and real fans etc etc. The reality is that they’re a piece of shit, owned and run by incompetents and arseholes, an average League 1 club on a downward trajectory. You can pour whatever NUFC sugar on the turd you like, it’s still a big steaming turd.
  7. I bet he wanders into the studio with an old half full carrier bag which he won’t let anyone get near
  8. Bringing all the expertise garnered from owning Eastleigh FC. The only way is down with these owners
  9. I can only assume the fans who stuck up for Bruce haven’t seen his teams play or have only seen brief highlights of matches. An absolute fraud of a manager who’s been dialling it in for years. I’m astounded he’s got another gig, absolutely amazed, and it’ll end in tears for WBA. Obviously they have a lazy ill advised Board who haven’t done their homework. I’ve nothing against west brom, I actually feel quite sorry for them.
  10. Or he could’ve gone for Fuck The Minor
  11. Ive always thought he looks a bit like a drag artist on their day off. Him and Neil Warnock in fact
  12. Haven’t been following it to be honest, but if you’re right I can’t see what’s in it for him. He seems quite thin skinned despite being a complete cunt, and he didn’t seem to enjoy owning our football club (after the early days). Plus he prefers money to flow in one direction only….
  13. No doubt looking at what assets they can strip and what “savings” can be made
  14. Kitman


    Thanks for everything you’ve done on this place Ant, it’s very much appreciated. Hope you go well.
  15. Get in! Hopefully this will give us the momentum we need
  16. I dont want to speak ill of the dead but I fucking hated Meatloaf’s music especially Bat out of Hell. The cover art was interesting though, not that he did it. Still RIP and all that
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