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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Some countries are blindly loyal to the Pope as a rule. I don't know why people can't distinguish between the Catholic church as a religious movement and the Vatican as a political and financial institution. The Church of England is similar on a smaller scale. Still I have a secular viewpoint so I admit I'm biased.
  2. I think so. Leaving aside whether it's a useful way to spend your time (each to his own), the sheer scale of the collection suggests this was/is his life's big passion. Either he's lost that passion or he's being forced to sell it for some reason.....that strikes me as quite sad.
  3. We wait with bated breath for the next ultra right wing geriatric who won't change anything. Meanwhile the Vatican bank will get richer and more people connected to the Vatican will mysteriously turn up dead. And more hideous abuse will come to light despite best efforts to sweep it under the carpet. So much to look forward to.
  4. I agree with Tooj. Hanging about in the reserves certainly doesn't seem to do our youngsters any good. Perhaps we should send 'em up to that Scottish club we're supposed to be linked with
  5. They definitely win in the pulling off stakes
  6. Kitman


    All very sad. And likely to end in tragedy. I'm glad that Chris Evans et al have paid for his treatment. However it's strange that multi millionaire Chris needed to organise a whip round, I assume he could easily afford to treat several celebrity ex-footballers without denting his bank balance. And as an anonymous benefactor too. Oh well. Edit: Chris is not as rich as he used to be but is probably still fucking loaded
  7. I'm wondering if Vuckic has much of a future with us. He's done fuck all except get injured iirc....
  8. Hopefully he's jet lagged and pissed off
  9. I'm just thankful they did something about it. The last time we were relegated, they didn't.
  10. I thought he'd been injured?
  11. We hear you're leaving, that's ok I thought our little wild time had just begun I guess you kind of scared yourself, you turn and run But if you have a change of heart Remy, don't lose that number You don't wanna call nobody else Send it off in a letter to yourself Remy, don't lose that number It's the only one you own You might use it if you feel better When you get home
  12. What's wrong with 4-5-1 and hoofball? Eh? Eh?
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