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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. The amount Villa and the mackems have spent to assemble poor quality squads is mental. Interestingly they also have a manager in common.
  2. Owen should give up with this shite. He wouldn't have stayed even if the club had offered him a new contract after relegation. In fact iirc he went on record saying he wouldn't drop down a division, even if we could've found the money to pay his bloated wages. So what's he on about? The truth is people hate him not because he didn't sign a new contract, but because he did fuck all for us after we paid a huge transfer fee and paid him huge wages. And all the while he gave every appearance of not giving a flying fuck about our predicament, spent more time with his horses than his team-mates and didn't have deal with the consequences of relegation. And throughout all of this, he's not once said sorry because he can do no fucking wrong. The twat.
  3. You're right. Although if their agents gave a toss about them, they could do the same.
  4. I agree, we've been lucky to have Harper. Most would've done a Shay Given years ago.
  5. "I have a wound" Makes it sound likes he's been duelling....
  6. Very happy with this news. As it happens it's a get out of jail card for the FA, as they clearly should have banned Mcmanan for several matches. Instead they've shown it's possible to get away with it if you have no history and your chairman has cronies on the FA. If it had been Tiote he wouldn't pull on his boots again till next season.
  7. Could do with the win, if only to put the fear of relegation behind us
  8. Yes. Couldn't give a shit about whether he plays for England tbh
  9. Yeah, and I think he's had injury problems too as Tooj mentioned
  10. I expect his idea of conditioning isn't a rake of booze followed by a McDonald's either......
  11. I don't think they'll see much of their money back either way. I'm doubtful WHU will shell out top dollar for him.
  12. I agree.....I think the swap thing's an invention of the press......and the evolution of the team suggests he's not the sort of striker we'd be interested in anyway (unless he was available for a bargain price, which LUFC wouldn't swallow)
  13. Not sure I believe he could be finished....
  14. 600 votes from 11 year olds in Singapore. Errr probably, according to Leazesmag....
  15. wtf is Nufc Blog anyway? Isn't that the bloke that just reposts articles from the press, adding "what do YOU think?" at the end?
  16. You're not meant to take it literally, man It's poetry....
  17. I reckon that'd be smoothing out bumps in the poll. Or something.
  18. Are you on the sauce already CT? I've no idea what you're trying to say here
  19. Great draw, a chance to go to the real Stadium of Light. Wish I could go, should be a great occasion.
  20. I doubt our medical staff are total amateurs, given the jeopardy for getting it wrong. Maybe it wasn't obvious what would happen. Sometimes shit happens, as frustrating as it is. Let's hope he gets completely right so he have a decent season next time around.
  21. 3 points would get us back in the pack chasing mid table....
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