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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. If you made a list of the achievements he's falsely claimed since he's returned, it would already be pretty long. He's so full of shit, it's hilarious. He even says "it's a fact" now and then
  2. The bloke just makes stuff up about what he's done. He's like comical ali
  3. Football's all very simple according to our joe...
  4. If they're good we'll buy them. If they're not, we'll shift them. Football genius from joe there, thank fuck he's in charge now
  5. Kinnear is confrontational, a gobshite and a blabbermouth. Perfect for dealing with media player transfers and management. Trouble ahead....
  6. Joe will have shane on steak and kidney pud washed down with guinness to beef him up. In half a season he'll look like CT and his career will be over
  7. 5 years after his heart attack Ashley rewards' Kinnear's 4 months of loyal service with a job, out of a desire to help? I don't think so somehow.....
  8. Lucky bugger. I will shortly be tucking into a bottle of wine for medicinal purposes.......later I will be shouting insults at the trees in bid to make sense of it all
  9. It is utterly ridiculous....just got to laugh at the absurdity of it really
  10. I'm an ooc apathetic armchair supporter. Basically the club would need to go out of business for me to make less effort
  11. Comedy genius, Kinnear as a director. I bet he can't even direct his piss into the toilet bowl...
  12. Wonder what pardew makes of this. Looks like hes being undermined and should resign really.
  13. kinnear has already talked about the need to add a bit of beef. All aboard the time machine back to the 90s !!!
  14. This is as lunatic as the previous lot's decision to appoint souness. It's got disaster written all over it.
  15. I dread to think who kinnear will recommend. Has dean windass retired?
  16. I can't believe kinnear won't meddle in the team either. It's constructive dismissal for pardew imo
  17. Unbelievably bad decision. Fat knackered useless old dinosaur that he is. And after the shambles of his tenure as manager. A vote of no confidence in pardew and carr by the sounds of it....let's pray we don't get him as caretaker when pardew inevitably fucks off half way into the new season
  18. We knew all long that they were broke though
  19. I want Cabaye to stay but only if his head's in the right place and hasn't been turned by another club. I suspect that was half the problem last season.....
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