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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. He likes to come in the back gate innit fnaar fnaar
  2. Not on me, no. Maybe I was thinking of the bright side of the road. Or the clean end of the arse
  3. Im a sitter and proud of it. Funnily enough I was originally a stander, but crossed to the sunny side of the street when we had the original thread about this, which was probably about 10 years ago (shudder) You just can’t fault the logic of sitting to wipe. Unless you have some kind of deformity, in which case you deserve sympathy
  4. I had Omicron about 3 months ago. And I actually live in New Zealand.
  5. The latter. Been at the sauerkraut innit
  6. Pure speculation on my part but I wonder if hes turned toxic and Howe is desperate to get him out asap
  7. It is very strange. I can only imagine hes been promised something as it makes no sense to go from being a bench warmer to being a bench warmer
  8. Sticking todger in daughter? I’ll get me coat
  9. I’d be happy with standard head in her case * baddumtish *
  10. Unfinished business. Or maybe unfinished bacon
  11. I wonder if Wilson is destined for the subs bench when he’s fit again. If he consistently starts, he consistently gets injured
  12. I thought that was pretty good actually
  13. It’s probably been said already, but the sort of players we’ve been after also want to play in the champions league. It’s not as simple as waving money around, we have to convince them we can meet their ambitions….after being a club with no ambition and a track record of failure and mediocrity for 15 years. But yeah, we can change all that in 2 or 3 windows.
  14. WBA lost tonight in the second round of the EFL cup. To Derby, who are in L1 and nearly went out of existence recently. Well fancy that.
  15. I see both he has two strikers out with injuries already. Fancy that. It’s not too early to complain about being down to the bare bones, is it?
  16. I’m really sorry to hear you’re suffering. Wishing you all the best, I know its a cliche but it really is one day at a time. The people who love you will still love and support you.
  17. These women are going to become household names. Especially the blonde one with the nice arse whose name I forget. I’ll get me coat
  18. Anyway I’ve been following it closely and winning the world cup is a great thing for the women’s game. So jolly well done!
  19. Well done to the England ladies, a great achievement. I just hope with all this excitement that they didn’t forget to get tea ready and do the ironing before they left for Wembley
  20. I don’t know who this crap is aimed at. The fans know he’s a shit manager employed by a shit owner at a desperate time in our history. Nothing will ever change that. If he’s remembered at all, it will be a base line for clueless managers we all hated. Edit: I’d add that if I was a non NUFC fan I wouldnt be interested in the cunt. He’s a small time manager who’s pretty much failed everywhere he’s been,and has left hated by a large portion of the fanbase.
  21. If you ever saw Windsor Davies in It Aint Half Hot Mum, “which name does you prefer” makes perfect sense. Especially if it has “la di da Gunner Graham” at the end after it
  22. In a passport sense. He can pretend he’s Dutch otherwise
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