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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Unlike the quality programming coming out of australia like errrrr......
  2. The repetition thing makes more sense to me tbh. Ive no idea how often the toon are on telly in the uk these days. In nz you have to buy all the matches in advance off an internet company bit you can watch on demand. I suspect people here cherry pick the best matches....no idea what happens in significant markets like the usa or china.
  3. Lol we're not talking about a slinky car ad, we're talking about a bunch of cheap shit looking signs which are as tacky as anything. So here's living the dream: you tune in to watch the toon play a glamour match against the likes of Hull or Villa (or any other also ran just like us). And as you watch the absolute shit sandwich served up by our fuck witted numb nuts of a manager and his clueless lickspittles, and contemplate stabbing your eyes out with a fork to relieve the boredom, your attention wanders to the garish signs that festoon our great stadium. What is this you wonder? Sportsdirect? Why I must check it out! Perhaps there's stuff I can buy! I hope they sell tracksuits! Like I said, I think its overplayed. It probably just serves to remind people to pop down to the store to pick up spme cheap socks.
  4. Granted but how much of that relates to tawdry advertising hoardings shown on telly at the ground of an unsexy mid ranking football club?
  5. Personally I cant wait for Pardew to get sacked. He bores the hell out of me.
  6. Personally I think the benefit of sportsdirect advertising at the toon for the sportsdirect brand is overplayed. I have nothing factual to base that on but we're not a glamour club or anything.
  7. Cant say im surprised about Richards being investigated. Making any charges stick is a different matter but then I never expected Harris to get convicted
  8. Pardew is much more dapper than Pulis. Which is all that matters obviously
  9. Id like to see the back of Taylor tbh. I think hes a liability. I suspect Good would be a better squad player than him now.
  10. I think you already know the answer to that one
  11. Not so long ago we used to knock the club for not sending the young lads out on loan to get game time. Surely its better to play in competitive L1 matches than meaningless reserve ties?
  12. Yes its naive of me to expect Celtic to do the decent thing. Of course they won't, we wouldn't either. I think it stinks though.
  13. Its disgraceful though that a meaningless substitution at the end of a drubbing should hand Celtic the tie. If Celtic had any class they would step aside. They won't of course.
  14. Settling into a new team in 4 weeks is a tough tusk for a youngster. I'll get me coat
  15. Another load of shite about spending from mr "the club has to wipe its own nose". I doubt weve spent more than we've recouped from sales over the last few years before you even look at the tv money increases. Still im sure its all part of mikes 15 year plan to get into the top 4
  16. How anyone at the club thinks s taylor is good enough baffles me. Williamsons ok for a squad player. Our defence is like starting one nil down every match imo
  17. Sadly hes just an overhead now. The best thing for everyone would be for him to move on....probably Ben Arfa too
  18. Unbelievable that central defence isnt a priority area to strengthen though, if that's true
  19. I couldnt even tell you what position he plays. I recognise his name and iirc he was once tipped as a future england international, but thats it.
  20. I assume cisse is in the departure lounge. We were trying to get shot of him when he got injured and iirc there was a middle eastern outfit bidding for him.
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