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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Good result, shame about the draw. Hey ho.
  2. Not showing the fat man loyalty is probably the only sackable offence. That and asking for a raise
  3. As I've said before, you may as well listen to a shit house door banging in the wind as that man's blatherings. He's hopelessly out of his depth and thinks if he keeps talkig nobody will notice.
  4. Pardew just trots out what he's told by the club's heirarchy behind closed doors. He does it to justify his own mediocrity, I dont think he has any genuine insight....in dfact he strikes me as a bit thick, his mouth just runs away with itself whenever he's asked a question.
  5. A 16 grand watch in a fucking goodie bag lol. Of course it's normal Michel.
  6. I think the best we can hope for is a score draw but theres every chance we will lose. I just can't see that defence keeping a clean sheet.
  7. Kitman

    Scots Money

    I think people will rapidly lose interest in this now
  8. Kitman

    Scots Money

    Scotland has spoken and the answer is no. Salmond should listen to the people, shut his piehole and fuck off. Which would be nice.
  9. I love the way he makes excuses in the same breath as saying he's not offering excuses
  10. I think we can safely rule out the local papers on the basis that its well written
  11. I think Ashley would rather not pay him off. So he's waiting to see what happens.
  12. lol corporate speak apologies written by the PR people. "apologise for any offence caused"...as if there's any doubt people were offended
  13. lol that is amazingly well written. "His startling ineptitude and constant deceit..." They should hand out those guy fawkes masks from V for Vendetta too...
  14. If the club excused him to be with his family to recover and have honoured his contract then I take back what I said. The translation I read suggested he was sent to Norwich instead. Unfortunately I'm so cynical about the pirates running our club these days that I always assume the worst of them
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