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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. We just need some goals and then we might win some games. No shit, Alan!
  2. I think thats spot on. Its only the very limited players that seem to flourish, presumably because they are only asked to do simple things well. Cabaye is the obvious exception but I suspect he just played his normal game in despite of Pardew.
  3. I dont hate him but I do dislike him. My main problem with him is that he's hopelessly out of his depth and a substandard manager, but its his attempt to cover it up with bullshit patter and walter mitty statements that grate.
  4. The club looks like it needs a fresh start fromtop to bottom. Pardew needs to go but we seem to be poor from the academy through to the reserves. Our reserve and first team coaches should get the sack along with Pardew imo.
  5. Agreed. I think the longer Pardew clings on the harder it is for the next manager to turn things around. Hes Pardewing all the new recruits and ingraining a losing mentality the longer he's there. Carver and Stone need to go too imo.
  6. Full time and another loss. But will it be full time for Pardew?
  7. Stoke on a monday night, losing in the pissing rain with Pardew in charge. Ameobi and Obertan in the er famous blue and green 3rd hkit. It's nights like these you treasure
  8. I'm watching this via bbc sport, which is a blessing given our shite kit and shiter football
  9. 45 minutes for Pardew and his clowns to save their jobs
  10. A limp lily livered loss from lacklustre lickspittle lackeys. Or something.
  11. You'd have thought this was one area they'd move heaven and earth to get right. Decent squad players costing next to nothing would have the heirarchy coming in their saggy y-fronts...
  12. pre match protest with free beer ftw
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