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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Glue, frequently and in large quantities. It explains everything
  2. They’re arguably a mid-table championship side based on reality and not glue
  3. Preparing a bid. Or drafting a fax as we used to call it
  4. Not only is this making up of scenarios utterly mental, but why bother obsessing over our back line? I can honestly only name one player from their team - Luke O’Nien if he’s still there - because he appeared in the two or three episodes of STID I’ve watched. I haven’t a clue who their GK or defenders are. I also have no idea about their defensive stats nor do I give a shit. I find it really weird this is a talking point for some of them.
  5. Its an embarrassment really. They’d have been better off with no page, so people would assume somebody genuinely famous must follow them. Which obviously isn’t the case based on this…
  6. They’ll just have to wave their empty crisp packets instead
  7. I think he’ll run his contract down and leave on a free, probably to an overseas club. Which will serve Levy right.
  8. It’ll be Beout sport if he’s on there with those two
  9. Even just in the here and now you’d think they must be desperate to move on loads of players. I haven’t checked but there must be loads of expensive spare wheels who can’t even make the 25 man squad. That must be costing them in terms of money and morale if they cant at least be loaned out
  10. Also the fact that with the mackems it needs a whip round to buy one packet of crisps Actually on second thoughts…
  11. Great summary Howay. I can only assume that he has a narcissistic complex and genuinely thinks he is a brilliant manager and extremely hard done by everywhere he’s been. Which is staggering if true since, 1. his record is dogshit and hes achieved nothing worth mentioning after years as a manager 2. he’s pretty much hated by the fans everywhere he’s managed 3. he looks like Arthur Mullard after hes been beaten up in a bar fight He’s basically a spoilt whiney bitch who sounds like his balls need to drop (both metaphorically and in reality). By god we had some shit managers but he must be the worst full time manager under Ashley. I’m so thankful he's no longer stinking up our club.
  12. Indeed. Imagine having such a huge chip on your shoulder that your waking hours are dominated by the testicle gripping fear that your hated neighbours might do well or - heaven forfend - actually win something. I think their stance is that, since their club is a steaming piece of shit run by clown shoes and carpetbaggers, the only thing that brings some enjoyment is seeing the hated maggy bastards fail. To the point that our matches seem to be more interesting to the RTG window lickers than their own (no doubt the years of piss taking and general ridicule from the ever present “mags at work” or “mags on holiday” have added fuel to the fire). Of course when we do well, it’s only because of that dirty rotten saudi blood money buying success, so it doesnt count like it does when you’re a “proper” club with “proper” fans with “proper” owners in a “proper” league (like them ). Righto, jealous much? That wispy noise on the wind is the sound of many six fingered hands clutching frantically at straws…..
  13. Stupid thing to do, there are no excuses & he should be punished by the club as well as the courts.
  14. Yes I agree. I don’t think he understood football, and didn’t trust football people to run his business. Understandable perhaps after the turbo bullshit he was peddled by Dennis Wise and Joe Kinnear, who both strike me as thick cunts and utter chancers….but he turned over the club to Llambias (a casino operator and also a massive cunt), who I think set the template the zombie club that we became. Some of the things they did, like not running a proper academy or doing proper commercial deals, never made sense to me from a business pov. Thats why it seems to me like he intended to pass through, but he wouldnt or couldnt sell. Probably because he’s a cunt. tldr: I agree. Ashley was a cunt who surrounded himself with cunts and ran the club like a stupid cunt.
  15. In my opinion Ashley never intended to be with us for the long haul. I think he bought us intending to asset strip and quickly sell on at a big profit, saddling us with long term commercial deals with sports direct in the process like he did at rangers. It explains the lack of due diligence as he was confident he could make money in the short term. In that light every decision he made makes more sense, as it was to make do and mend till he could find a sucker to palm us off onto. So no surprise he wasnt interested in spending on the academy which could take years to see a return. The same goes for long term commercial partnerships. The only flaw in his plan was he wanted too much money for the club, which got more of a problem as he hollowed us out and ran down the squad and facilities.
  16. Happy xmas everybody! Hope you all have a most splendid 2023, eh what what
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