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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Not saying much. I don't see the point of Gouffran or understand what he keeps getting picked for. Must be something Pardew convinced him about.
  2. I wouldnt blame him for leaving. Good wedge, decent manager, regular football plus Spanish sun. It looks like we can't offer any of those atm
  3. Absolutely pointless article. Say what you see Lee
  4. Im glad all the impressive changes to Pardews regime are paying off oh
  5. Great a competition to see who's got the shittest cricket team. It's such a holiday from the toon
  6. You know England are really bad when as an Englishman you get sympathy instead of banter....
  7. Sadly it feels like Carvers being positioned as our head coach for next season. Hope I'm 'wide of the mark'
  8. oh dear England you took one hell of a beating Seriously though wtf? Fucking embarrassing
  9. Limerick. Wilkinson. I don't know these players anymore
  10. Our lack of fit defenders is quite funny. The club thinks having a squad is a waste of money.
  11. They pulled that one with us too iirc, claiming Ashley and his family had been threatened (no evidence to support the claim)
  12. He'll only invest in RFC if it makes him money. They'll do enough to qualify for the CL and no more. They've won their last cup if Ashley stays in control.
  13. I'd be very surprised if Ashley can be forced out of RFC without it costing someone a great deal of money. He's a master at making money out of distress....he might lose the EGM but have a long game in mind. The fat cunt.
  14. Getting rid of the evil fat cunt is easier said than done. He's like herpes....he turns up when you're fucked and once you've got hin you're stuck with him. Consider yourself pretty much finished as a football club.
  15. Criticising fans is never a good idea. Even more so when they've travelled for hours to be served up a shit sandwich.
  16. Or maybe they didn't. And maybe he passed his medical with no hint of his current problems and we've just been unlucky?
  17. tbh my comment was aimed at B&W...
  18. iirc correctly Happy Face pointed out that prior to the season before joining us, De Jongs injury record was actually pretty good. Hardly a massive risk therefore except with hindsight.
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