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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. It's obviously all a sham so the club can pretend they're listening to the fans. As if tgey care what the fans think
  2. oh dear England....disgraceful tournament really
  3. and the lovely Sir John bummed Freddie Shepherd on his sick bed in the process. Metaphorically speaking of course.
  4. They're plainly a bunch of senile stooges who'll turn up for a cup of tea and some biscuits. Anyone who asks a tougher question than "when can we expect some nice patterned toilet roll in the netties?" will be flung out on their arses anyway.
  5. Many condolesences to you Stevie, terrible times atm and I hope you get through OK. Many congrats to DG.
  6. re Santon, maybe he wanted to leave? I appreciate his gf said differently but she may not have been given the whole story by Santon
  7. Sky will be happy. The eternal law of Yoonoited beating Noocarsel has been observed, and it went nicely to script. This season is such a waste of time, it wants putting down.
  8. Disappointed we lost to those arseholes but on balance meh. A result would've credentialised Carver so silver linings and all that...
  9. I still don't understand how he gets away with his shite about being progressive....he might have 100 back room staff and 20 prozone analysts but to me his football is backward and by and large dreadful to watch. He's come out with shitty comments about us since he left and our "expectations" I can't stand him and think he's a charlatan.
  10. btw I see your Girl is Mine and raise you with Mull of Kintyre
  11. Mccartney's been responsible for quite a lot of shite over the years. Artistically he probably did die in the early 70s. In the same plane as the Rolling Stones.
  12. Urgh, shudder. Should've been called 'the underaged boy I've invited for a sleepover is mine' in Jackson's case.
  13. Ebony and Ivory was the nadir for me. Through the bottom of the barrel and tunnelling.
  14. the frog chorus proves that taking a lot of drugs does have serious and damaging long term effects
  15. I think people have long sought an explanation for how bad Wings were.
  16. I'm besides myself with excitement at the results. Do we get a trophy for this?
  17. If its true, Johnson's done a terrible thing and deserves to have the book thrown at him. I'd say the same about any of our players too if found guilty. Some footballers think they can get away with anything cos they're that special.
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