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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Kitman


    Yes, can't see anything better than a three or four nil humping against Arsenal tbh. A shit makeshift defence and a shit clueless manager. With Williamson as our lynchpin
  2. Kitman


    its hilarious the club thinks our defenders are good enough. I think Janmaat is the only one of PL standard now. Anything but spend money where its needed eh Charnley?
  3. cover up by the police?
  4. One theory is that young Perez is absolutely knackered and needs a rest. A more cynical theory is that Riviere cost a lot more money so Carver needs to play him in the hope he comes good and preserves his value
  5. Good argument there for buying half a season ticket
  6. Yes. Its a sign of the times when fourth place is viewed as some kind of towering achievement. Fuck modern football tbh
  7. I can understand flogging him if he wanted to go and was going to run down his contract to leave on a free. However mad to flog him in jan when we so understaffed and I got the impression he wasn't keen to go
  8. I think the club would need a fresh start even if Carver wasn't a muppet. Which he is. Only a muppet would appoint a muppet to be head coach. Are you a muppet Charnley? WELL ARE YOU?!
  9. Looks like i picked a bad day to give up sniffing glue
  10. I think we can all look forward to more articles in the Chron about how Carver can turn it around.....and some pieces from the players about how he has their full support....and a piece from Bobby Moncur about how the club is heading in the right direction and Carver is working really really hard
  11. Agreed. I didn't find him offensive tbh
  12. No marquee signings in this club!
  13. John Inverdale apparently referred to "rose cunted glasses" live on the BBC instead of rose tinted glasses. Can't get rose cunted glasses in NZ yet
  14. Just read Bob Moncur's piece in the Chron about how Carver deserves the manager's job. Terrible terrible article, the man seems a bit simple.
  15. "Will the Board confirm whether the keynote biscuit at the next meeting will be custard creme or chocolate bourbon?"
  16. got dem ol' phallic banana blues
  17. The Journal is saying the site by the St James metro is the subject of a 47m development application. I assume that would be the permanent end of the pipe dream of ground expansion.
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