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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. It certainly defies all logic, reason and common sense to appoint Carver.
  2. I'm not a gambler as such, but if they appoint Carver I'm getting money on relegation next season. Even if we get relegated this season first.
  3. Apparently a London street is being stalked by a naked man in his 50s who aggressively masturbates at the bus stop
  4. Depressing if true. Relegation seems inevitable whether its this season or the next. The stupidity of the current regime is mind blowing. Meh.
  5. I think its more about the other teams now than us. Cant see us winning again this season as we have no goals in the team and an appalling defence
  6. It would be a decision of epic stupidity if true. It would certainly make next season interesting as mediocrity would be a thing of the past.
  7. So why do it then? Tax isn't the reason....you can't avoid tax by inventing expenditure. In any event there might be tax losses to cover any profits anyway.
  8. I expect they've been massaged down as a massive profit is a bad look given our abysmal season. I doubt bogus expenses will stand up to HMRC scrutiny however
  9. Williamson is symbolic of everything thats wrong about the club imo. Patently not good enough, never has been and never will be, but we persist with him because we wont spend the money to get better. Hed never get in the first team if the squad was fit for purpose, but here he is playing week in and week out. Im not saying its his fault btw Im sure hes very professional and a top bloke. But he shouldve been well out of the picture after we got promoted.
  10. I'm sorry to say I don't really care if we get relegated. I don't think how the club's run is going to change whether we stay up or not.
  11. Another car crash. Sigh. Toronto FC must rue the day they let JC go.
  12. Another dry humping. I'll be at work and won't be following the match thank god.
  13. Kitman

    Kids tv

    Adventure Time and Regular Show are probably better than most of the shite I watched back in the day. Its never as good on Youtube as I remember it...except maybe the Klangers and Wacky Races.
  14. RIP a truly great commentator
  15. Kitman

    Kids tv

    oxygum I googled it just now and apparently one of marine boys team was called Professor Fumble
  16. I think the injuries are the biggest issue with Vukic. He wasn't blessed with pace to begin with, I expect he's slow as fuck now. Maybe you can get away with that in a Scottish lower league, I don't know, but certainly not in the Prem.
  17. like it Chopper bikes with playing cards on the spokes Elite on the BBC computer Space dust Silly putty Chesterfields at 1 pound a packet
  18. Kitman

    Kids tv

    Funnily enough the only thing I can remember was that he threw a boomerang under water and I think there was a dolphin involved somehow. Thats pretty much it
  19. Kitman

    Kids tv

    I remember that plus off the top of my head The Magic Roundabout, Cheggers plays Pop, Newsround, Runaround with Mike Reid, Wacky Races, Grange Hill, Dr Who with Tom Baker
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