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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Yep, pyschopaths every one of them. The only things they care about is loss of money and loss of face. Hopefully Ratcliffe continues to get both in large measure from the Salford Reds
  2. I really enjoy the way Ratcliffe and Amorim witter on endlessly in the press about how shit they're doing and what a clusterfuck their club is. As if it doesn't reflect badly on them! In their situation I'd say it's better to say nothing and look stupid, than open your mouths and confirm it.
  3. Great result, no new injuries or suspensions too. Good stuff lads
  4. Overplaying Botman when he'd just returned from long term injury feels more like asking for trouble than rolling the dice
  5. These swap deals they come up with are the stuff of fever dreams
  6. That's a good way to look at it 😁
  7. I think he will go in the summer if Liverpool, PSG or Real come in for him, and I think that would be fair enough. We can't offer him what those clubs can yet. Maybe we'll have to cash in on our best players now and use the money to rebuild if we're going to beat the PSR straightjacket?
  8. I'm strangely more depressed about this result and the Gordon red card than I have been for a long time. Yes yes I know we are in the LC final, but I honestly think we have zero chance of winning it, we're not even playing like a team that's going to finish the season well, let alone lift a cup against the best side in the division without Gordon. I thought we had a chance in the FA cup just because most of the best teams are out of it already. No disrespect to Brighton but we should've beaten them at home, theyre not that good. I realise it's a bit premature to write an obituary for the season but we look tired and directionless, even a bit demotivated. As others have said we needed to recruit in the last 2 windows but have brought nobody in and this is the result. The PSR rules have us exactly where we're supposed to be despite being the richest club in the league and probably the world. Sorry to be a downer but seriously, fuck football
  9. Trump is taking them back to the good ol' days. When America stood alone, barons could make fortunes from ruining the environment, stealing land and screwing the little guy. And they got to run things without having to worry about commie unions, non-white, woke socialists and goddam vegans. The irony is that he take his orders from a communist. I used to dream of living in America. Not anymore.
  10. He's obviously a stand up wiper too
  11. Indeed Chaser. They've had huge amounts of cash to spend, they should have been able to buy their way to the top with a bit of competence and strategic nous. Instead theyve fucked up each manager appointment in a perpetual cycle of early termination, binning the old manager's players and then buying new players for a new manager/approach. Theyve wasted such huge amounts of money theyve run out of PSR headroom deapite being one of the richest clubs in the world. Its glorious 😂😂😂 Now King Rat has come in and his solution is to swing the axe on the club infrastructure, destroying morale and any sense of club harmony. Beautiful, hollow the fuck out of them, we all know how that goes. Appoint a yes man like Penfold to run the club single handed while youre at it, that'll save a pot of cash. No doubt Amorim will be binned by next season and the whole dance will start again. The saying "the beatings will continue until morale improves" seems appropriate here.
  12. Exactly. Apparently they've spent 70 million on sacking managers alone since 2013. 9 million to recruit and then sack Ashworth. And thats before you get into the huge amounts of money wasted on recruiting and binning players. And this guy thinks that sacking the tea lady and scrapping staff lunches is going to turn the ship around
  13. Ratcliffe and ManYoo are perfectly suited to each other. I feel sorry for the impacted employees but not the fans. I hope the club gets relegated and go bust, there's nothing remotely likeable about any aspect of them. Coincidentally I have a colleague who has rubbed shoulders with this tool at corporate events and work "retreats". They confirmed he is a titanic arsehole and even worse in person than he comes across in the press. Most people who have worked with him absolutely hate him. He lives in Monaco to avoid UK tax, which says it all really.
  14. We're such a Jekyll and Hyde team atm. If Mr Hyde turns out, anything better than a 5-0 drubbing will be a good result. If Dr Jekyll shows up, then we can get a result even at Anfield. However I think the good doctor will be on holiday, alas.
  15. I suppose that if Trump is limited to two terms, he might feel less worried about kompromat being released. Nothing seems to knock him off his stride, basically it's impossible to shame Trump and his entourage, they just invent their own reality. However Putin does offer the possibility of funnelling huge amounts of cash into Trump and his family's pockets and I think that's what's motivating him now. Trump has no problem with abusing his position for a buck and would sell anyone and anything down the river. And then deny it.
  16. For us maybe. Not sure Pope would be keen on being a makeweight in a deal, even if Burnley do get promoted
  17. I have no Fawkes to give
  18. he hasn't worked a day in years and gets a 4m pay off on top of an inflated salary. It's the stuff of dreams really, at the Bruce/Allardyce level of stealing a living
  19. 780 mill apparently. I guess that doesn't get you many seats these days
  20. Fuck here I am listening to Sound Affects and reading this. Shit news, RIP
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