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Django Reinhardt

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Everything posted by Django Reinhardt

  1. Watching the highlights just now I was thinking of how many first team regulars were out of the team and I counted six including the aforementioned Dyer. Then I considered: Can Dyer really be considered a regular starter if everyone is fit? Now let's think of his possible starting positions and their probable incumbents. Centre midfield (Emre), right wing (Solano), pace man up front (Owen), possibly behind the front man (no current incumbent although Bowyer did that pretty well today). I can't really see him ousting any of these players for a starting place and so I'm thinking that he really becomes a handily versatile squad player, one who can cover several positions. Still knowing our history with injuries, the question will almost certainly remain hypothetical. Actually watching a replay of the goals perhaps he could come in for either Bramble or Boumsong.
  2. Well it has been a couple of weeks since he's been in the news, poor lad was probably feeling a bit neglected. This'll give the press a good excuse (if they ever needed one) to endlessly wax lyrical about him and 'United'.
  3. Does anyone know what's actually wrong with Craig Moore? Has it been the same injury he's been out with all this time? Edit: In the meantime look what I found: http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/NewsD...~729891,00.html
  4. I like the sound of the words 'cantankerous' and 'tantamount'. They both have a rich rat-tat-tat sound to them, a concatenatous sound. Now there's another one 'concatenate', just a superb word, a word of great rhythmic significance. Duke Dandelion was tantamount to cantankerous in his insistance on concatenating the list of groceries into a single processed line.
  5. Jesus Lizard - Goat Had to turn that last lot off in favour of the Lizard, still sounds much more real, much more ballsy and much more interesting than just about anything around today. Barstool madness par excellence. Was that string break just for effect? I think not. Brilliant.
  6. Rakes - whatever Seems to sound the same as many other things. Not good, not bad. Just the same as something else. No doubt the next big thing, if not the already here big thing. Just seems a bit by numbers to me. Cananyonereallytellthedifferencebetweenthesebandsformeitisdifficultattimes. Familiar.
  7. Thanks Meezner, I'll pop in and out as always passing comment on the odd thing. I don't think I was ever anything more than a binge contributer anyway. It's good to know I haven't been completely forgotten though. It has been a while.
  8. It might be measly five as you post but I can promise that by the end of this message it will have grown to a rather more stout seven. I feel ashamed at my postwhoring already.
  9. I feel for you dear peasepud. This appears to me the love letter of an alcoholic and as much as I admire your poetic way with words I urge you to post more on the matter and in as much detail as possible as not only is it most entertaining but it acts as a kind of therapy. Both for you and for us. Obviously for us in that it reminds us of what losers we'll undoubtedly become should we imbibe as regularly as yourself. To your health sir.
  10. In saying it has a barroom swagger that does sink in once you get past the...*checks cd player* fourth track. It's a mood album and it might seem you're scratching around for the first ten minutes then a hook hits you and you're game for what's coming. It's a good album, I'm not saying it's not. I don't want to short change you. I would urge all Springsteen albums to rush out and all others to gently stride out, to their closest retail outlet so long as it isn't HMV or Virgin. Fuck it, download it and see if you think these cool Canadians deserve the ten or fifteen quid it might cost to get it from a proper record shop. You know, one where the counter staff can actually engage you in a conversation about the music you like.
  11. Constantines - Tournament of Heats Not sure if I like it. I have liked the Constantines but this seems a little too clean, a little too Springsteen, not in itself a disparaging remark but...well meant as one in this case. Maybe I've been listening too much to the evil Jesus Lizard lately but this sounds a little tame, a little too...organised. It's a good record but perhaps I'm too drunk to appreciate it's finer qualities. I'd give it a shallow hug, or a sarcastic smile at best though I might rave about it when asked again.
  12. Disable post counts for the sanity of the board. And in order that I may once again mingle among you unashamed at my feeble contribution.
  13. Phil Spector is responsible for many of my favourite songs of all time so I'd kindly ask for more respect for the man. If not his ridiculous hair. Obligitary bad joke: He was clearly going for the new revolution, the wall of hair. Apologies.
  14. Thinking any day now he's going to flower into a world class Vieraesque midfielder. He will ever remind me of the great days of Bobby Robson's potential team. I felt a little sad watching Jenas alongside Robson when we first signed him, Robson spouting how he would form the core of the Newcastle side for years to come alongside Bellamy, Cort and Dyer. We all believed him at the time, we wanted to believe and yet none of them with the possible exception of Bellamy has shown a fraction of what was hoped. Perhaps they'll go through the same thing at Spurs as their early hopes of his greatness gradually disappates into what we think of him now. I suppose they're risking that with a good few of their potential superstars. I wonder if they'll have more luck (or better judgement) than us.
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