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Everything posted by Ginolaandtonic

  1. If I was PM I would focus on training as many people as possible to learn a trade in housing construction and in return underwrite mortgages so that poorer people/the government don’t end up paying private landlords to get rich doing nothing.
  2. I don’t have any hate towards the people themselves (quite the reverse) I just disagree with the idea that expecting certain luxuries to be given to you helps you get out of poverty. Getting out of poverty (depending on your starting point) is extremely difficult and it always has been. I’m sure most of us here did it to some extent or other.
  3. Didn’t he have one disallowed too?
  4. There are people who believe that getting out of poverty isn’t aided by watching a load of shit telly. All of our grandparents for instance. It just breeds passivity. You lot are always whining about how shit the country is but we’ve bred generations of people who can’t look after themselves. Welfare rightly exists to help people to feed their kids while they’re trying to sort themselves out or if they’re unable to work through illness or disability. When did subscription TV become something that people are entitled to? Also, don’t you all hate Rupert Murdoch? Why should the government fund his empire?
  5. Would you really pay for Sky if you were struggling to feed your kids?
  6. I’m bowing out of this now cause it’ll just cause a big old stink 💩
  7. The left obviously feels that it has good intentions but the consequences of labelling any criticism of anything involving Islam as right wing extremism directly led to the inability to deal with rape gangs in Britain. It also helped stoke the anti police sentiment around the time of the BLM riots which left policemen and civilians dead. It also is more likely to try and ban free speech and cancel people they disagree with. I’m not calling for that comedian to be banned I just think it’s unnecessarily provocative in a pointless way. I still hold that Trump’s policies of secure borders, limited military intervention and focus on American jobs (which I still maintain is infinitely less dangerous than the Bush/Blair years) is why people vote for him and all the rest is him being a tactless loudmouth and the press ramping it all up for clicks.
  8. Communism is left wing extremism Arguably radical Islam is more “tolerated” by the left than the right I don’t think either side should do it by the way Trump is there to have the piss ripped out of him, I have no problem with it. I recently posted a link to someone doing just that. I just think joking about killing people is a bit unnecessary especially as the consequences would be hundreds of armed right wing Americans going nuts.
  9. Nah, you disagree with or don’t vote for people you don’t like. Normalising comedy that jokes about killing political opponents isn’t too clever in this day and age.
  10. The best Trump impression by far
  11. She did ask him. He just can’t answer in the way you’re suggesting for the reason I gave.
  12. The word Fascism gets used far too often. Having an immigration policy that isn’t a free for all is where all parties used to be and the word has been diluted. Now, you either believe that there should be no limits whatsoever on immigration or you’re a fascist. I’m sure there are many in the Israeli government who love bombing Palestinians but equally there are those who realise that peace is never going to be an option and that it’s a horrible consequence of having a homeland.
  13. We lost the right to judge when we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq.
  14. She was looking for a gotcha moment on literally the most complicated political situation in the world. What specifically do you think makes Grant Schapps a fascist?
  15. I think he’s better at geopolitics than he’s given credit for personally. I appreciate that’s a minority view and I’m not going to argue the point so call me a cunt and we’ll move on. 😎
  16. The Arab world doesn’t seem to give a fuck about Palestinians… they just use the cause for their own ends
  17. The stricter Islamic leader that took over from the liberal regime was due to America interfering if I remember correctly
  18. Throwing away a lead isn’t something we should ever accept. Competition for Champions League places will be stiffer this year with Spurs and Liverpool looking more dangerous. I don’t want us to be all ooh look at us! In the champions leeeague I want us to be expecting to be there every year and throwing away two leads in the first 7 or 8 games of the season isn’t how you do that.
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