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About Ginolaandtonic

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  1. What’s the worst thing you could hear after giving Willie Nelson a blow job? ”I’m not Willie Nelson” RIP Norm MacDonald
  2. You do take this forum very seriously… I’m just some prick on the internet… let it go mate, hug your kids, goose the wife, finish that hedge you were making for your train set…. so many better options
  3. GB news is on Youtube, it’s just shit
  4. I’m sure you think this is some sort of genius put down but I don’t watch GB news.
  5. Not at all. Bombing of civilians on the scale of WW2 is unthinkable now. What would stop Hitler invading? You’d be in the streets telling everyone we were being xenophobic. What do you expect Israel to do? a: “put up with” being constantly under attack b: try and wipe out Hamas even though it will incur the wrath of every global lefty Israel kills as few Palestinians as it can while trying to protect itself. Hamas kills as many Jews as it can.
  6. WW2 wouldn’t happen today and the Nazis would win
  7. Every single time a solution is offered it is rejected
  8. https://x.com/GaryEddyEdwards/status/1723326386058735826?s=20
  9. Frankie Boyle is another woke numpty who thinks that all cultures have the same basic values. It isn’t true. How many murders have the “far right” committed and how many murders have Islamists committed in this country over the past couple of decades? Moderate Muslims are just like any other people, good and bad…(just don’t go asking their views on Jewish people or homosexuality)…. but the militant end of the religion causes mayhem and misery especially for women, Jews and gay men. Palestinians voted for Hamas. Israel handed Gaza over to them in good faith in 2005 and left enough infrastructure for the makings of a wonderful and prosperous country. Almost instantly it was turned into another militant shit hole.
  10. Why are there hardly any Jews in the surrounding Muslim countries? Why do you think that might be? You can pretend that this is all made up but sadly it isn’t. And also if someone could answer why the Jordanian and Egyptian borders are shut to fleeing Palestinians and why Hamas wouldn’t let them leave even if they could. Or just insult me cause you can’t even begin to answer it honestly….
  11. There will be lots of people who support Hamas on that march, that’s the fucking point.
  12. I think you possibly have me mistaken for another of your internet “foes”
  13. I do have sympathy for the Palestinian people, so too does Israel which is why there are people of Arabic descent working and living there. They are used as nothing more than pawns by Hamas and the borders with Jordan and Egypt are completely blocked to them. PS, seeking nuance when the word “Nazi” is thrown around here like cheap confetti is a bit rich too btw
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