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Ayatollah Hermione

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Everything posted by Ayatollah Hermione

  1. Sufjan Stevens was properly amazing. I Want to be Well was the dogs bollocks.
  2. Swansea finished third so I always have the opinion that the third placed team should go up.
  3. Well, at least we never had to deal with that.
  4. I wouldn't say we're a dirty team though; a lot of those have been for silly fouls. Danny Simpson is quite bad for it.
  5. I wouldn't be adverse to sending the two of them out on loan but only if enough cover is brought in which I'm guessing is unlikely. Ferguson will be 2nd choice LB/LW next season again I imagine.
  6. Wants to get some studs in his boots. Plays like he's wearing roller skates sometimes. He buzzes about but he's hardly shown anything else about him.
  7. A few oldies being mixed in it seems. I love Seven Swans Sufjan Stevens @ Les Nuits Botanique 11/05 Seven Swans Too Much Age Of Adz Heirloom I Walked The Owl And The Tanager Vesuvius Get Real Get Right Enchanting Ghost I Want To Be Well Futile Devices Impossible Soul Concerning the UFO Sighting Near Highland, Illinois Casimir Pulaski Day Chicago. I want to be well Excellent stuff.
  8. Fucking hell aye, Sufjan tomorrow. Going to relisten to Age of Adz now.
  9. I bet this immigrant was going into that shop for some free healthcare and the chance to be bumped up the housing list.
  10. How will STOKE winning the FA Cup provide a bit of magic? For who exactly?
  11. I think they're bland, shallow arena rock pap like. Nowt stopping anyone liking them of course.
  12. Wheels off Swansea early. Mike Dean still a patronising arsehole.
  13. The novelty of this invalid has well and truly worn off now tbh.
  14. Guthrie's knackered too. Isn't Smith out for the season as well?????? Thought he was going to make the last two games? From http://www.physioroom.com/news/english_pre...e9c0aae120c2c53 Newcastle United M Williamson Broken Arm Aug 11 T Kadar Hamstring Injury no return date K Lua Lua Broken Leg 30th Jun 11 L Best Ankle/Foot Injury 30th Jun 11 D Gosling Knee Injury 22nd May 11 A Smith Ankle/Foot Injury Aug 11 H Ben Arfa Broken Leg 5th Jul 11 Joy. No choice but to play Tiote then.
  15. Guthrie's knackered too. Isn't Smith out for the season as well?????? Thought he was going to make the last two games?
  16. Guthrie's knackered too. Fuck me. Smith and...
  17. We should just play 4-5-1 and hope for the best. Without Nolan and Tiote, it'll be down to Guthrie and Smith to track the likes of Lampard, Essien and Ramires about the middle. Bash Taylor on right wing, Barton into the middle with the aforementioned Chuckle Brothers with Shola up top and just try and get something.
  18. Lua Lua wasn't even fit to be named for the squad in the reserves midweek so he won't be playing. We'll be beat but it's a nothing game really.
  19. Creed There's some quality in there and I know we all like a bit of shite but howay, man.
  20. Personally, I think he's absolutely fucking shite.
  21. £51 is the cheapest ticket for George Michael btw JFWTBH!
  22. Kuqi has a strong physical presence in the same way putting a skip up front would have a strong physical presence.
  23. Brian Wilson is also on Jools Holland this coming Friday. I'd go and see him but it's always a crap shoot with shows like that.
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