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Ayatollah Hermione

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Everything posted by Ayatollah Hermione

  1. We need to put a ban on talk of spending and wages. its a football club, not Homes Under the Hammer
  2. Joey Barton as a squad player ffs. Give your heads a shake. Guti, Coloccini and Barton are 3 good footballers so of course they should be.sold.
  3. Here we see the crippling effects of Um Bongo on your health.
  4. From reading various things on the net and what people have seen him play reckon he's pretty decent Best way of evaluating a player tbh No its not but its all we've got for now, I'd never heard of Tiote before we got him either great idea. Why not presume every African player we see kicking a ball around is the new Tiote ? Can't go wrong, fuck me, why didn't Alex Ferguson [or me] think of that ?
  5. Love whenever this thread is updated. What happened to Mac-Toon anyway? Why did he stop posting, he was good crack.
  6. Should revive some of those thread ideas to liven this place up. Starting with "Would you pay for sex?"
  7. No idea. Think I found NO, thought it was a bit shit, seen this linked so jumped on here.
  8. Cant watch since I'm on my phone but a good way to learn is with a snare, hi hat and floor tom. It teaches you to make the most of as little as possible and be creative with basic beats. Playing blues on that set up is grest fun if you throw in a ride.
  9. Just get her playing some White Stripes. Some great basic grooves
  10. I would have though back then that he would have to have been quite achieved to even bother playing the drums, as not many did! Revolver - literally the same Beatles record my Dad favoured! He used to fire CD's at me too, burn me a copy of something 'check out this bloke'. He got me into Bonamassa, bought the first Kings of leon/ Black Rebel motorcycle club CD's when they weren't big at all which was always weird! I'm not sure if it's good taste or simply his age but he always actively hated Green Day but was none the less impressed when I played with them! No idea how he got into it but made his first kit out of pots and pans! Literally, he stole his mother's pans and set them up on small tables etc and he managed to teach himself jazz rhythms on that stuff! I'm always amazed that he was playing traditional jazz on the same things his mother would cook his tea on.
  11. Get with the times, Roger. At the moment, Mike is probably more popular than Freddie ever was. aye, it was awful having sir bobby as manager and being the champions league, banana brain.
  12. Ha! Pretty much the same bloke - although my Dad wasn't massive on the Beatles! He used to give me stuff to listen to all the time and I ended up ''borrowing'' half his record collection! Mad how you granda was a drummer, a long time back when their wasn't much call for them! My dad isn't crazy on The Beatles either but he loved Revolver and that's what got me into them. I always used to spend most of my nights downstairs listening to Thin Lizzy and The Doors through headphones on the stereo systme while they watched TV and all the CDs used to be given to me by my dad. Every so often he'd just come in my room and say "This is Ziggy Stardust by a bloke called David Bowie. Give it a few listens" My grandad was apparently shit hot but I never seen him since he died when I was 13! He used to be in jazz bands and big bands and was a session musician for a few UK jazz artists. I know that he used to play in bands that supported comedians; back in the day, comedians used to do sets in between jazz or big bands performances and he used to be the drummer in those performances in places like the City Hall etc. so my family has a decent pedigree that I need to upload
  13. I think you'd have to be crazy not to think 20 mil for Henderson is overpaying. There's paying the premium for quality and simply overpaying.
  14. Nah, he doesn't! He's a canny singer though. He's never seen me play drums though since we're always well out of the way but he's coming along to see me in about a month or so since it's fairly local. I think me being a drummer has a bit more significance with him since his dad was a great drummer and I'm the only one since him to take it up and keep it going. Still, he set me down a path with my music tastes and give me loads of Beatles, Zeppelin, Sabbath etc. CDs to listen to and has always fuelled my music love. Cool guy and he'll talk your head off about 70s rock but it's great.
  15. Sorry to hear that TR and Tom. I always appreciate my dad a bit more when I realise that he's not always going to be here and realise that we've always been the best of mates really, talking about music, football etc and he's always supportive and there for me. He's set me down most of the paths I've taken so far and he's great. Have a good un, fatha.
  16. We don't need to know the w-a-a-a-a-y home! :icon_lol: fucking hell
  17. i heard you talking about "cunt" and "fanny juice" once. what does that mean? i'm only 8
  18. love his pic. hello, i am nick, i like the newcastle and the english women. bouncy bouncy, wey aye
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