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Ayatollah Hermione

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Everything posted by Ayatollah Hermione

  1. Just a fuel stop halfway to KFC. Hitler been mentioned in this thread yet? If I were to loot, I'd loot in style.
  2. What a waste of looting doing it in Poundland Must have had her eyes on those multi-bags of Nik Naks for a while now.
  3. This kid has Pie in his name so there's little confusion as to why Ashley wants him brought in.
  4. Supposed to be in Camden this weekend as well. Looks like it'll still be raging on. Some horrible scenes going on; my mate's got family down there and thankfully, they're alright.
  5. "Inspired by Video Game" What a boatload of fucking shite.
  6. People forget they knocked about 8 goals past us last season.
  7. Agreed with the two of you. Really good first hour and 15 minutes though.
  8. the Arsenal model does not, and never will, apply to NUFC
  9. £5.5 millio for Enrique ffs. They'll take any offer straight up.
  10. This. He couldn't give a solitary shit and is just killing time until next summer.
  11. Pretty sure someone on Twitter said this for a laugh and it's been picked up.
  12. Worth pointing out to CT that his one major piece of attacking play came in the draw against Arsenal which was later in the season rather than early. His role as holding midfielder was largely consistent throughout as well.
  13. How so? Compare his positional play and all round reading of the game to Simpson and see the marked difference between a good full back and a crap one.
  14. You're incredibly wrong. Gabriel Oh-Nobertan
  15. Just finished Cat's Cradle and Deadeye Dick by Vonnegut and loved them both. Finished the latter in a day or so since his prose flows amazingly well. Feels like you've only read 10 pages, not 200. The content is right up my alley as well, think I'll start (and probably finish) The Sirens of Titan tonight and make a start on one of the short story collections. I've got Mason and Dixon by Thomas Pynchon to get through as well which I've been putting off for a while.
  16. Up in the Air - Film about George Clooney flying in a plane a lot and finding his inner something or other. Bit of a depressing end for his character which I liked though. Fight Club - Still mint
  17. Wouldn't mind giving her a disappointment.
  18. Just struck that NUFC is basically the football version of The Producers. Only any chance of being a hit out of it has quickly been ruined.
  19. Matt's post sums it up nicely. We'll be stuck with Ashley and co for a few years yet and one of the main reasons that nobody in their right mind would want to do business with a glorified market stall.
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