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Ayatollah Hermione

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Everything posted by Ayatollah Hermione

  1. Deano's never gonna dance again, guilty feet have got no rhythm
  2. Fuck that, I want some running shoes, I don't want to piss around like I'm in soft play.
  3. Excuse me, MF. I believe I copyrighted Toontastic bingo with my Leazes Bingo card.
  4. You've got until Monday, Fish or there'll be a reaction akin to Deano's situation, make no mistake.
  5. "Darling, I know what I must do....delete Toontastic from my favourites"
  6. Start going to the gym, man. You can put some of your nightmare inducing 80s tunes on, wear some unflattering lycra and go at it.
  7. CT and his daughter talking Toontastic politics like it's an episode of the West Wing as we speak.
  8. Had St. Vincent's latest on a heavy rotation recently and it's absolutely class. Putting the majority of her peers to shame. Adele should listen to this and retire.
  9. Where does good scampi in the toon/surrounding areas? This is of vital importance.
  10. Fuck me, I'd actually get a pair of them since I love BTTF so much. Maybe Deano can lend me some dosh.
  11. You've got to keep Leazes in check tbf. One minute you can say Ashley deserved a chance upon arrival and the next he'll tell everyone you said "Anyone but Shepherd, I hated the 90's at NUFC". This is the crux of it for me. His recent digging up of old threads (in response to your posting that one where he predicts that Ashley will probably now go on to better Shepherd/Hall’s Champions League achievements) is a typical obsessive overreaction too. Digging them up to try and re-assert when he ‘first called Ashley’ or whatever misses the point spectacularly; he’s shown later to be saying he thinks we’ll be back on for Champs League under Ashley. Now only the other day he was agreeing with OBG that it was a Sports Direct model and this was all obvious to him from the start of his reign-well no it clearly wasn’t as he changed his prediction about Ashley’s ambitions when Keegan was appointed. There’s nothing wrong with this per se (a shifting narrative where you constantly re-evaluate based on current information), in fact Chez does this and it stimulates good debate on here imho, but on the other hand if you’re Leazes and what you’re essentially doing is trying to claim some sort of clairvoyance it makes you look a tit- because what you claim you’ve always had some sort of intractable belief about is shown to be something that in reality you’ve also argued the complete opposite of at intervals. “Oh yes, I’ve always claimed he was doing this the Sports Direct way, and before anyone else might I add.....apart from the time when I thought he was going to beat our Champions League achievements to date. Can you just all ignore that bit please? Ta.” Classic cake-and-eat-it. Going back to what you said above, that’s the essence of his “I was right you were wrong” nightmare patter. It involves re-inventions of the past both in terms of what he’s said himself and what other people have said about a subject. What’s even more tragic is that nobody else is arsed, and yet he’s been genuinely obsessed with it for 4 or 5 years now. omg, here's another "smart lad" jumping into help his chums Would you be saying this if your daughter brought home a muslim who makes bombs in his shed?
  12. it was the skunkers poster - SKOL - who started the thread. He thought "anybody but Fred" would be an automatic improvement Nah, you're wrong
  13. bad experience. But just wait until verbal abuse is replaced with a bomb, no questions asked. Fuelled by snakebite and a Daily Mail subscription.
  14. I was behind Keegan !!! Not Ashley though......read the threads, and my sig properly man !!! I kna, I was just trying to wind you up if I'm honest.
  15. Is this your retaliation for the revelation you were once behind Ashley?
  16. Lad turned up in the pub with his shiny new trainers and a big smile.... Mate 1 "Where did you get those" Mate 2 "Burtons...two pairs for £40" Mate 1 "Right....you could have got one decent pair for that" Probably had to be there but I was howling at mate 2's cresfallen face. Amazes me how some people function in society if they feel the need to report owt to mods or flounce. Even if you've got nowt to come back with, call them a twat and move on. nope I liked that HF and J69 are right, I always just figured its how lads work, me and mates give each other bucket loads of grief and you either take it in good humour or comeback with something better. you don't get all pissy and storm off. if somethings genuinely out of order say so and it'll get left alone Me ex always used to be confused when I came home from a night out with the lads and she would ask what we talked about and I said nowt really. This was because we'd spend the whole night taking the piss out of each other and other than that said nothing of any note at all. It was a totally alien concept to her. Same. When we're all half-cut, we'll sometimes talk about serious issues and give each other some advice with things but for the most part, we're just taking the piss out of each other and trying to work out if a monkey with a bat could chin a bear.
  17. Tbf, it still sounds like he reacted quickly.
  18. Arsenal 2 Swansea 0 Everton 0 AstonVilla 2 MCity 3 Wigan 0 Stoke 1 Liverpool 1 Sunderland 0 Chelsea 4 Wolverhampton 1 Tottenham 1 Bolton 0 MUtd 3 Norwich 1 WestBrom 1 Fulham 0 Blackburn 0 QPR 0 Newcastle 2
  19. Whenever we used to go to the Town Moor or any other little fun fair thing, I was always told never to talk to any of them in case they tried to steal me
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