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Ayatollah Hermione

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Everything posted by Ayatollah Hermione

  1. He's just done an interview with Kerrang talking about Nirvana. Kerrang must be struggling.
  2. You'll catch up after a while. Like Snakey says, nobody else is quite able to keep up anymore either.
  3. How did I miss that? Next year, I'll eat two years worth of chilli. Also, Burning Love by Elvis.
  4. Top work, Brock. Anyone know what time/day the CL highlight show is on Sky? Missed everything tonight.
  5. Defending is dodgy. Passing is a lot better but your team-mates are still useless on BAP.
  6. Nowhere near as frustrating as Shola. Actually, he wasn't the most frustrating player down our left hand side last night.
  7. I'd honestly lock up people who believe in the Illuminati. They obviously have no grip on reality.
  8. "I punched a horse once" You sure he wasn't actually a patient who managed to sneak out and put on a doctor's coat?
  9. You seem like a nice guy. If he is Norwegian a naa who he reminds me of, and it isn't Lars Bohinen I can tell ye. Brad pitt? Brad Pitt ye look more like Right Said Fred after a cocktail of Salvia and Ketamine.
  10. Looks a bit like Lady gaga. Like that, she'd get it as I'm sure she's thrilled to hear.
  11. A fair question. There are a lot of Energy from Waste plants in production across the UK but the only way these are getting built is through major local political and commercial incentivisation, provision of add on infrasturcture to 'compensate' for the facilities' presence. Which of course tax payers foot the bill. Incinerators still have a bad reputation, despite the fact that modern filtration techniques can mean the air coming out of the facilities is purer than that drawn in. Sympathetic construction and design techniques also mean they are no longer eyesores but fundamentally trucks and trucks full of garbage will have to go somewhere, driven past someone's house. Basically despite everyone buying as much shit as they can muster, no-one wants to have to even think about the waste once their latest consumption is completed, much less have it burned in their own back yard. Similarly people object to wind generators 'because it spoils their view' when ironically they spend much of their time indoors watching their 50" plasma tv. Withdraw Nimby*'s services I say - object to electricity production in your area? Go live in a cave then you selfish, short sighted, narrow minded fuckwits. *Not In My Backyard blyme
  12. You can join Christmas Tree. Who's he on there? Toon Bart I think. Read that as Toon Blart. That's his daughter.
  13. He's doing a class job there. Hope he never leaves.
  14. We are out of Bort license plates. I repeat, out of Bort license plates.
  15. I'm cutting down on the drink like. Once a week at the most coupled with a bit more exercise should see me alright. Plus, I'll probably save a fair bit of money.
  16. If it's Shola, he must always be playing on the comedown.
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