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Ayatollah Hermione

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Everything posted by Ayatollah Hermione

  1. this cap issue that hes created entirely himself and that will have no mention by anyone else in football Soccer Saturday, a show made purely for people to take the piss out of the punditry. They even admit themselves how shite they all are.
  2. Its only offered in explanation for why some men do that, the relative quality of the kebab can obviously vary from plain ring-stinger to inedible but i think every man on here recognises at least one shag in their life that fits into the category. I had one last week. #realtalk
  3. Reckon he'd sit by the bar and moan on to anyone that's in earshot. He'd also wait to be served CT would be the one that sidles over to your group uninvited, to a collective eyeroll/muttered consternation and talk shit until closing time. Gemmil would be drinking Baccardi and diet coke with a straw. alex and Tooj and Chez would be in the beer garden whether it's pissing it down or like a balmy night in Mykonos sniffer would be minesweeping and calling everyone worse than shit. I sit quietly [or preferably stand] with my mates, with all ears listening for someone to slag off the Halls and Shepherd or praise Mike Ashley fair enough. I bet you stand in the middle of the bar with your sisters, praying for someone to take them off your hands mancmag would stand with his barristers wig on saying "look at me, I'm a solicitor and so I know everything about everything, and I'll deny everything that anybody says about me whether true or not" Toonpack would stand outside SJP trying to sell a logarithm calculator Dr Gloom would stand moaning about everything to anybody who would listen, and if you tried to put him right, he'd put his duffel coat on with its hood so he couldn't hear you kevin would try and sell you a Big Mac Gejon would wear his Newcastle Online t-shirt :icon_lol:
  4. Incredible incident of coincidence in this thread. Rio should use it in court.
  5. "Lasses are like food. Sometimes you fancy a kebab" - ChezGiven Words to live by.
  6. The very image of someone shitting themselves in the middle of Geography Though someone pissed themselves on our school photo when he was 16.
  7. Saint Dominic's Preview by Van Morrison. Love the time changes in Gypsy.
  8. I saw a lass I went to school with the other day who had a bairn when she was about 17. Was weird seeing the kid at Reception/Year 1 age.
  9. Dude. They're fucked up, they're a bloke who dress up as lady! Doesn't mean you've got to let your standards slip. Unless there's an unwritten rule you've got to dress like the lass from Aqua.
  10. I bet explaining the very concept to Gutierrez was a struggle, seeing as he, in my head, is like Manuel from Fawlty Towers.
  11. Was just thinking that, absolutely mental. Who's going to complain about a teacher putting sunblock on their kids arms ffs?
  12. Why have the dodgy transvestites like that always got shite fashion sense?
  13. Think you can get Winamp which is supposed to be canny.
  14. Should have knocked the soup back like a Jagerbomb then your meal wouldn't have been cold. After KSA's muff-diving exploits being akin to that of a dog eating hot chips, the Thai's have come to expect frenzy from us English.
  15. Pardew wanted to keep Carroll and Enrique too. No shit Sherlock. clueless He's agreeing with you
  16. Swype and Handcent make texting so much better.
  17. Having Tesco Value Pot Noodles in a stottie is one of the best things about being a student. I'd rather do that then steal traffic cones or wear silly hats to get free shots.
  18. Lou Reed and Metallica Anything to recapture some sort of lost talent/relevancy, I suppose.
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