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Ayatollah Hermione

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Everything posted by Ayatollah Hermione

  1. 8 years old. Playing football and Metal Gear Solid in equal measure.
  2. Anyone got some good soups to try? Looking for a decent minestrone.
  3. Sorry about leaving early, TS. Was called away. Free tomorrow though if you're doing it then. That last wave was mental, even on casual.
  4. Ah, champion. That's my dinner listening sorted.
  5. Glad people are liking the Gotye tune, one of my favourites of the year. I like what I've heard of LDR too and I think her debut LP's out shortly so should be worth a listen. I've been listening to George Harrison a lot after watching Living in the Material World. His self-titled is really underrated.
  6. Hope he gets sacked and has to sit drinking shit cider in a council flat for the rest of his life, wanking to Babestation.
  7. Some lasses tried to pull me and my mates into Levis in the Metro Centre because they were having a party in the shop Had a DJ set up and vodka red bulls on the go in the middle of this crap shop for reasons beyond me like. And they just wouldn't fuck off, even when we told them we weren't interested in their shitey "session" inside a tiny clothes shop. The last time I was dragged into a night club was even worse than being bothered by gabby leaflet people so think yourselves lucky.
  8. Back to The Future Die Hard Spinal Tap Commando The only four films you ever need.
  9. Whenever you see me on, send me an invite.
  10. SPOT - same but with a football Aye I remember playing that. If you couldn't hit the wall with one kick you got an 'S' then the second time you were 'SP', etc all the way up until you spelled the work SPOT and you were out of the game. Can't for the life of me remember the name of it but there was another one where you split the teams equally but there was only one goal and one keeper. Have to play an attacking and defending game at the same time. Sounds like what we called 'World Cup' round wor way or sometimes called 'three pots in' We played that and just called it "Cups"
  11. Mental decision taking him on like. Surely he must realise it's better to just retire?
  12. 3. is Feyenoord, I believe. Couldn't tell you the score like. On that front, there's a good documentary on Youtube about the ICFC run.
  13. Satanic majesties is dreadful like. If it wasn't The Stones, every track on it would be relegated to sub-Nuggets-esque compliations.
  14. Thank fuck we've got no defenders going. Ideally, January would see a similar type of player to Tiote come in as cover because if Guthrie or Smith play there for a prolonged period, we're knackered.
  15. Just read through this thread, sorry to hear about your situation, Stevie, mate. Cancer is fucking awful to, say the least, for everyone involved; my parents lost a friend through it recently.
  16. Heading down on Monday for a night to see old Bob Dylan so looking for decent places to have a pint before and after. Not looking for clubs or owt, just some pub recommendations. Also, anywhere we can eat on the Tuesday afternoon would be nice if anyone has any recommendations. Ta.
  17. We used to play some incredibly violent games of Hackers Union like. One kid got kicked into a hedge and landed face first on a bag of concealed dog shit Was unbeatable on FIFA 98 and Perfect Dark too
  18. Aye, glad to see them getting some playing time. I suspect Lua Lua will move to Brighton permanently though.
  19. Class. Lots of "meta humour" like Arrested Development though in case that turns you off.
  20. Fuck you, my high horse is higher than yours.
  21. Special mention to Barton's tache.
  22. My mate works at Apple and just retweeted a load of shit on Twitter about Steve Jobs touching his life. The outpouring for an excellent marketer is a bit OTT, no matter how talented he might have been at it. Convincing people to pay more for features you can get elsewhere for cheaper is fairly brilliant no matter how you spin it.
  23. Brains behind such masterpieces as "Revolution #9"
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