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Ayatollah Hermione

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Ayatollah Hermione last won the day on November 14 2021

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About Ayatollah Hermione

  • Birthday 08/29/1990

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Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. Genuinely quite impressive how much his kite ballooned over his managerial career. Salad dodging cunt
  2. Was mates with Bob Dylan and George Harrison. Damn the Torpedoes is good but aye, it’s all a bit samey
  3. There’s got to be a bus parade, man. I’m planning on being dangled out a window upstairs in the Percy for it
  4. Nice to have it confirmed that Graeme Jones basically kept us up when he came in the door. There’s another one who has massively earned this current success. Was basically managing the side for that fat cunt
  5. Hope he doesn’t start taking after the gambling addict we’ve got in the middle
  6. The Chinese have hacked Gemmill’s account. Too much buying shite off Temu
  7. Free tickets but 10 quid a hot dog and 3 quid for a can of pop. Plenty coin to take in there that you wouldn’t get off a bus parade. And that’s the reality sadly
  8. May as well imagine us getting relegated twice in a row and spending the better part of a decade outside the top flight if they’re imagining things that would never happen to a proper football team
  9. Think I’ll buy one of them tbh. Up there with Brighton making 16/17 Championship Winners scarves
  10. Aye, if you work for a company that would sack someone on a Friday and ruin their weekend then they deserve the same in turn. If they’re mega cunts, tell them you’re not working your notice either
  11. Wonder how this big party on the Moor is going to pan out. More people gathered for that than there were for Martin Luther King
  12. Interesting to see that all the local journos are running with the same story about the summer. As in, Howe is going to be backed after a year of keeping the powder dry. Usually they’re exercising caution so I’m expecting a busy one
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