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Everything posted by RobElliott

  1. Yes that was the self depreciating joke on my end 🤣
  2. Sure B comes before V? 😁 Not just a pretty face eh? 🤣
  3. This Liverpool - Villa match is like the 6 Nations Rugby. Quite nice seeing the bin dippers in the crowd get riled up for a change
  4. Survey going round on the next mackem manager already
  5. Scouse Mackems vs Yerry Mina when they go down. It won't be a pitch battle it will be a pinch battle
  6. A draw for the bin dippers tonight and a win for us vs Brighton at home will essentially guarantee us Champions League Can live in hope eh?
  7. Forest win will be good for us as it means parking the bus won't be enough as they will need to start winning games. Means Leicester will have to go on the attack when we play them too which will play into our hands
  8. Imagine this whole time that Adam P was a long term member on here but had a different username, for example, Gemmill?
  9. He may not be comparable to Madison but I was really impressed with McAllister last night. His style of play would suit us well. Probably would cost at least £60m too As well as Brighton are doing I think he will move onto pastures new
  10. I would be more than happy with recent developments for Leeds to join Everton in being relegated.
  11. This Mitoma lad is really wasteful in front of goal
  12. What about best celebrations? Surely has to be Leon Bests elbow drop
  13. Don't think anything will top Tiotes goal Vs Arsenal for me for a very long time!
  14. T-Rex could have done with having slightly longer arms there for the Leicester goal
  15. Keane has a foot on him like a Traction Engine
  16. Just switched on the TV and again rubbish blowing all over the pitch at the Stadium of Shite! Every time. Shower of dirty hallions!
  17. Im sure this is all driving Eddie round the bend...
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