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Everything posted by RobElliott

  1. Lascelles has been pretty decent since he came in. Must admit I thought we were screwed when Botman was injured. Any word on the Murphy lad we signed over the summer? I know he is still young but wondering if he is kicking on from the friendlies where he looked promising!
  2. Farcical. Boxing becoming just like WWE
  3. Absolutely need an upgrade on Miggy in the summer. Love his effort but so many attacks just stop as he cuts back onto his left and then the defenders are back. The one time he put a cross in with his right, not one of our players expected it! Gordon was decent on the right at the end of the game. Think we would be much more of a threat of we had Barnes and Gordon on the wings but Barnes doesn't have the tracking back like Gordon which we need for Burn. Now ASM is gone, Miggy is the most frustrating player for me by a long shot
  4. Definitely need to be in the market for another young pacy striker to work as an understudy to Wilson / Isak Gordon is the main difference to our side when he plays. Superb. Another couple of years and we will be swatting these lot away like a cow swatting off flies on a hot summers day We are on a journey, still well in it in the group of death at the halfway stage and great chance of finishing 3rd and going into the Europa League
  5. Whats the minimum number of bitcoin you can buy?
  6. Good that he is allowed to train and be around the team. Can see him having a side job of passing the mic round at the press conferences. What other odd jobs need doing round the club?
  7. I wondered if it was spaniel ears too... Wonder if thats why Bruno was a bit sheepish when he mentioned to her that money was donated to dog charities Not seen it posted before or maybe it's early onset dementia!
  8. Big Joe taking the mick out of Bruno about his driving!
  9. Part of the sentencing is that Wilson has to do that just to give wykikis lass a rest for a few months
  10. New Mackem conspiracy: Beheaddie is only trying to win the Champions Leayague so that he can bring Toenail out of the crowd at the end of the final in full kit to hoy the trophy up instead of Trippier to piss Amnesty International off
  11. I guess its better than him having done his cruciate. Hopefully Eddie and the team will have him firing on all cylinders for next season. Lets just hope he doesnt spend too much time in spoons and come back to preseason like HBA!
  12. I love Jermaine me, Berlin is class during the Christmas markets
  13. Former colleague sent me this just now 🤣🤣🤣
  14. I guess when you earn millions a year and you are prepared to risk losing money on a bet, fines regardless of size don't really work so the only way to punish them is to stop them from playing. And this is nowhere near as bad as being sold a house where Gemmill is your neighbour!
  15. Wonder if this is all about Tonali hitting the jackpot on the slot machine in Wetherspoons?
  16. Are Magpie 24/7 about as reliable as Sean Casey?
  17. Hopefully if this has been bothering him, the weight will be lifted off his shoulders.
  18. Well we are still waiting from the final investigation from the Sunderland Amnesty International branch? We wont have closure until thats done and dusted
  19. For Paqueta the bets seem to be coming from Brazil themselves on him getting yellow cards in specific matches, using west Hams betting partner, betway... so for Paqueta it doesnt look like he was placing the bets himself but looks shady as the bets were coming from his hometown. Plus it being in Brazil its likely going to be harder to find evidence of any wrongdoing. For Tonali, all he is involved in at the minute is an investigation. Plenty of times someone has been interviewed by police and that's it, so he may well be innocent. Just ask Monkeys Fist... If he is guilty then he will have to pay the consequences according to the law. Maybe the reason he looks so glum is that he hasn't won any of his bets yet!
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