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  1. I don't know what that means, maybe something lost in translation and you also Russian stooge.
  2. I'd be embarrassed by that macro split as well. Was she a bigger lady?
  3. You will gain mass of course, it's just not the most targeted way of doing so. Happy to help fellow lifters
  4. Strongliifts is for strength more than mass. Bad advice being delivered by the doctor. If you do use it for mass, use shorter rest times so you can tear more muscle fibers. Or just go for a more suitable mass training programme.
  5. I tend to make my own opinions up about things rather than just take the stance that everything he did was outrageous lunacy, because he's a right-wing man child or Russian stooge like KCG. My general view of him is ridicule.
  6. He can't be that hard to play against. As soon as opposition teams figure out that he isn't going to pass to anyone he's nullified.
  7. I'm on about Trump and Nato, don't know what you're on about.
  8. Asking member states to pull their weight with contributions was a fair ask. He was never pulling the U.S out, it was obviously a tactic.
  9. Anybody against Trident on here, then?
  10. Have you ever heard of the malvinas? NO? WELL YOU KNOW WHO TO THANK!
  11. KCG rhymes with KGB. I'll let you join the dots, son.
  12. The competition for places has helped improve them was what I was trying to say. I'm not downplaying his input however.
  13. He's got the signings right as well. The balance of a left footed centre half, the robbery of getting Targett on loan, who is better than Digne. Trippier traveling the length of the country to support the lads with his foot in a cast. Can't really criticise anything about the club at the minute. Class.
  14. Fergie would be fucked in today's league. It's infinitely more competitive. Especially now we have all the money.
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