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About GrahamTaylor5

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  1. To be fair, it would be far worse to be a genuine Man U supporter. They are currently going through their Ashley years. I feel no sympathy for them as a club.
  2. Bloody hell. I thought he had it there.
  3. All Willock seems to have done is moan, like a bitch, the full time he has been on.
  4. My point was that it should have been both sets of feet, I just didn't articulate it well. I think with both sets of feet it would still be tight. If they did use feet, you would think that it would make the automated system so much easier
  5. I agree. But the last part of the defender, that was used to draw the line was the defender's arse, not his foot.
  6. To be fair, he was intending on pushing his lower back but it ended up on his head. Stupid decision
  7. I like the automated. It has to be something. The argument could have been made that the defender couldn't do anything with his arse as that was the part of his body that was furthest back
  8. I cannot buy into that story. Not questioning your mate being told it. I am questioning the golf bloke. Why would it be 'the defenders' surely it would be Burn or Tino. No way do all the defenders have a joint thought process on Pope that would be any different to what the rest of the squad would think. I also imagine that Pope's lack of ability with his feet is more annoying for the midfield than the defence.
  9. I wondered why I was the only one who voted for Pope. In hindsight, it is really obvious.
  10. I have been spot on with my votes since I realised it could be seen 😂
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