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Everything posted by Sharp

  1. Then explain why you disagree?
  2. I am a proper stander , no way can you wipe ya arse sitting down ya hands would be full of shite man..plus its just a lazy mans shite
  3. Can somebody tell Monkey FIst to take arehole off me profile pic pleae haha twat
  4. Great absolutrly toontastic mate
  5. No Mate born and bread in Gateshead, had a few fights on North Shields Ferry Landing..:)
  6. Dear me , we seem to have a nacker whome can see into ones minds indeed? how very charming... your first 3 letters of your usename tells me exactly what you are
  7. I would if the banter was canny but it seems a bit defensive and one sided so i am offering the alternative view point..
  8. Have i hit a nerve mate? thought this was a banter forum
  9. i am top dalek pal, the silver one a the front, you will have seen iz in the dressing room photos
  10. Rarely has a username be a swinger of trees with one hand coz other hand is on cok
  11. Can you daft cunts answer one question, i think i posed it a few posts above, where are the schools housing and doctor surgeries hospital to accomadate these people? oh and lets not forget jobs, just give them a free life while i graft me little bollocks off ...get fucked man
  12. Get fucked you scottish twat
  13. You can fuck off as well sticking up for moneys fist
  14. Really is that your sensible response to this country being flooded by young male immigrants on dinghys?
  15. What other alternative have we got? SunKak, Starmer? they both piss in the same pot mate, we are fucked
  16. Yes, let me explain, i am not against immegration far from it we need free movement across the borders but only if it benefits this country, we dont need to be a dumpimg ground for all the shite thats coming over on bastard dinghys, and by the way have you seen many women or kids on them boats? If you want to bring these people here make sure the infrastructure is in place, Build more houses build more doctor surgerys build more schools , dont just let every tom dick and bastard harry come here.. the country is fucked and you know it
  17. Take a look at the gains he has made in the North East up 16% Labour losing 4-5% of there voters.. Torys absouletly smashed
  18. 14 years of tory incompetance now about to be followed by 5 years of Starmer dithering (ie we didnt realise how much the torys had fucked the country so we cant go through with our promises ..we need to recover the debt we have inhereted from the past government blah fukin blah... same old shite
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