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    North Yorkshire Or Leazes Corner

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  1. Picture was posted on RTG so a fair bet its been doctored 🙄
  2. Enough of this fucking negative talk…..2-1 win and Isak to add another £20M on his price tag with both goals…..it’s fucking coming home🏆
  3. That Newcastle badge looks a little to bright defo looks…….suspect but surely nobody would alter a picture would they🙄
  4. I see we played another shit team last night in a piss poor premier league 🙄
  5. Win it and we’ll build you a statue next to Sir Bobby
  6. Apart from Pope….. the guy gives me nightmares every time he comes out of his box
  7. Still a pretty strong team mind you Brighten fielding pretty much full strength as well
  8. Fuck…..hopefully just a precaution
  9. Fucking no chance with Pope in goal if Forest game was anything to go by
  10. I can see Eddie’s mind games here…….put out a shit looking team and lull them into a false sense of security, then smash them 2-0🙄
  11. It’s a tricky one I’d take a cup final win but no CL will mean good chance we lose Isak / Bruno etc, they’ll be away if we can only offer them Europa/Conference ten bob cup football
  12. They have a thread SOL Upgrade which makes hilarious reading and at the same time a few comments that the “shit tip / sid James park” is in a similar state🤣 But most of them agree SOL was built on the cheap is very outdated and a complete shit hole
  13. Now he’s injured most comments seem to be that “he wasn’t that good anyway” “flash git” “ one trick pony” etc etc 🤣
  14. Starting to go tits up for them two defeats in a row
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