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Everything posted by john

  1. Cunts ! it is a pound a bottle in our local shop and that is a 500ml bottle too !
  2. That first photo brings back some memories mate. i remember lifting my 9 year old sister over the fencing and getting over it too and they put us in the side corner with the Spurs fans, total mayhem.
  3. amazing going away in the 80s , tottenham in the fa cup 87 i think was the biggest away following i was ever in and the bloody scariest! some great days that you could never get now and you just turned up and paid at the gate!
  4. Great photo. that looks a lot like the time i started going to home games, was it early 80s ?
  5. quite likely, as he has been a bit naughty! Think it is time now for Tino to shine. Tripps would be second choice from now on anyway.
  6. The only one I would keep out of all that lot is Krafth tp be honest. the rest are either not good enough or injured most of the time or past their sell by date.
  7. Think it was just his motor off the drive, even so thieving cunts.
  8. I was at Anfield that day he waved to the Kop after we lost 2:0 i think. Not good to see but still a big favourite in my early days watching Newcastle, one of the best to ever wear the shirt.
  9. mate, we are still playing the likes of lacelles, murphy, longstaff dubs, these fuckers were playing when we were last in the championship!
  10. should have been binned years ago. championship level at best
  11. This is down to howe , how can he not see what every fan can, it has to be Livaremento or Hall against pace on the wings. Its like he want his P45
  12. He was brought as a back up centre back and that is the most he should be, fukin criminal that Liveramento is left out for him, howe needs his headshaking.
  13. I met him when he was finishing his career down here in Peterborough, It was club meet and greet day and he signed my Newcastle shirt and had a good chat. great lad.
  14. like to see these cowards given 5 mins with big Joe 1:1, they would not be in a state to walk, let alone rob some other poor fucker.
  15. I think the little white building on the right of the first pic, is the tea hut on the gallowgate, basically the only place that you could get a drink and a snack at that end of the ground in the 80s!
  16. first time i visited was in 86 to watch the team v arsenal , i was 18 and then started to go to many games after that . hiding and avoiding the train ticket inspector all the way from peterborough. happy days. Also remember the arsenal team travelled back on the same train with the general public although they had a separate carriage!
  17. stick liveramento there, anything is an upgrade on almiron, if almiron has to play, then its on the left or not at all, preferably the latter!
  18. if almiron used his right foot. the tackle would not have made a difference, he has his moments but on the whole not good enough.
  19. I think the semi finals are still played over 2 legs mate, not 100% sure, but lets do Chelsea first and take it from there.
  20. Think its a poor choice by Howe to be honest, we have 0 chance of winning the champions league or premier league, we have won fuck all since 69 and this easily our best chance of a trophy. I think he should have gone a lot stronger.
  21. Really sad news, hope he makes a full recovery. 20 years here as a player. get well soon Steve.
  22. massive respect tp him for those words. The only shining light we had times under Bruce. Wish him all the best.
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